Joe Biden used Sandy Hook Memorial to meet with the Chinese to set up a $10 million/year deal for his family

May 27, 2024 | Corruption, Joe Biden

The Bidens were using the Sandyhook Memorial as cover to secure his family $10 million per year from the Chinese.


‘Can you meet this evening early,’ Hunter wrote. ‘My father will be in New York also and he wants me to attend the Sandyhook memorial service with him and I would like him to meet you along with my uncle [Jim Biden] and then you and I can talk let me know if that works.’


‘No problem,’ Yadong replied. ‘Pls let me know where and when to meet.’


The texts to set up a meeting with Joe came after months of negotiation about the Biden family’s involvement in the deal with the Chinese government-linked company, in exchange for $10 million a year. . . .

Josh Boswell, “oe and Hunter Biden used a visit to Sandy Hook memorial service to set up secret meet with Chinese over $10m-a-year deal, new emails reveal,” May 27, 2024




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On Iowa’s KXEL: To Discuss Crime Statistics

Dr. John Lott appeared on Iowa’s giant 50,000-watt KXEL-AM radio station to discuss our research on the truth of the crime rates and law enforcement collapse over the last few years. See Dr. Lott's new op-ed piece at the New York Post titled "Democrats are hiding...