Coulter: I am very excited to have again the man who has probably saved more lives in America than any other single person, John Lott, author of “More Guns, Less Crime.” . . . Man you are good . . . You know it is because of you we got concealed carry, the price of concealed carry has gone, now we are getting Constitutional Carry. . .
Ann Coulter interviews John Lott about the Mass Public Shootings, Monday, February 5, 2024
Dr. John Lott talked to Ann Coulter about our latest report on mass public shootings. They also covered a wide range of topics, including school shootings, media bias on guns, defensive gun use, mass public shootings around the world, etc. See also Dr. Lott’s new op-ed at Real Clear Policy titled “The Truth About Mass Shootings.”
(Monday, February 5, 2024)