Dr. John Lott appeared on the Greg Belfrage Show on KELO-AM to discuss his new op-ed at The Federalist on the lawsuit filed by Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown. They also talked about media bias on guns and mass shooters.
(Tuesday, September 5, 2023)
Dr. John Lott appeared on the Greg Belfrage Show on KELO-AM to discuss his new op-ed at The Federalist on the lawsuit filed by Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown. They also talked about media bias on guns and mass shooters.
(Tuesday, September 5, 2023)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knLjFjC77g4 As the Crime Prevention Research Center has pointed out many, many times, television crime shows seem to think criminals are constantly using machine guns to commit crime. In real life, criminals generally use machine guns...
Dr. John Lott, President of the Crime Prevention Research Center, appeared on the Talk Back program for over an hour to discuss his new investigative piece at Real Clear Investigations, "Stealth Edit: FBI Quietly Revises Violent Crime Stats." The...
Dr. John Lott talked to Mark Walters on the Armed American Radio show about his recent pieces at The Missoulian newspaper in Missoula, Montan ("Open elections? Be careful, Montana"), at The Washington Times ("Kamala Harris may own a gun, but she doesn’t...