Testimony to the Michigan House Judiciary Committee on Proposed Gun Control Bills

Mar 10, 2023 | Original Research, Talk, Testimony

Dr. John Lott testified before the Michigan House Judiciary Committee about gun control bills, including licensing and universal background checks, Red Flag laws, and safe storage laws. The hearings were partially motivated by the Michigan State University shooting. Dr. Lott provided statistics to show that the proposed bills could lead to more deaths, not fewer.Gun safety laws aren’t practical because they disarm law-abiding citizens relative to criminals. 

(Wednesday, March 8, 2023)




On Iowa’s KXEL: To Discuss Crime Statistics

On Iowa’s KXEL: To Discuss Crime Statistics

Dr. John Lott appeared on Iowa’s giant 50,000-watt KXEL-AM radio station to discuss our research on the truth of the crime rates and law enforcement collapse over the last few years. See Dr. Lott's new op-ed piece at the New York Post titled "Democrats are hiding...