Worth Listening To: On The Vicki McKenna Show: When Protecting Criminals’ Rights Come at the Expense of Victims

Nov 17, 2022 | Radio

Nikki Goeser joined Vicki McKenna on her statewide radio show in Wisconsin to discuss her op-ed with John Lott at Real Clear Politics titled: “When Protecting Criminals’ Rights Come at the Expense of Victims.” Vicki’s show covers most of Wisconsin and part of the Minneapolis area in Minnesota (WISN, WIBA, WMEQ).

(Tuesday, November 15, 2022, from 4:35 to 4:50 PM)




On Armed American Radio: Discussing a wide range of topics

On Armed American Radio: Discussing a wide range of topics

Dr. John Lott talked to Mark Walters on the Armed American Radio show for an hour about changes in the media landscape after Trump's victory in the 2024 presidential election, the future of the Biden White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, and Trump’s...