Much more violence against Pro-life people than against Pro-choice since the Supreme Court Leak on May 3rd: 135 Attacks on Pro-life people between the Supreme Court Leak on May 3rd and September 24th, 2022, Only 6 attacks were identified in the other direction

Oct 31, 2022 | Original Research

Political violence is central to so much of the political debate in the US. Since a draft Supreme Court opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson overturning Roe v. Wade leaked in early May 2022, pro-abortion violence has again become a focus of the abortion debate. As a result, crisis pregnancy centers, religious institutions, and other pro-life entities faced attacks in the form of vulgar graffiti, property damage, threats, theft, and even arson. This list covers pro-abortion attacks since the leak.

First, we identified 135 attacks on pro-life entities and people between when the leak occurred and September 24th, 2022. By contrast, only six cases involve pro-choice people attacked. We obtained the cases from news searches and various sources, but the pro-abortion organizations refused to respond to repeated requests for additional cases despite efforts over three weeks. 

The bottom line is that after the Dobbs decision was leaked, there was over 22 times more violence directed against pro-life groups than pro-choice organizations. However, if the media is less likely to cover violence pro-life organizations, the 22 times estimate will underestimate the relative violence against these groups.

Violence involving abortion has become even more of an issue as news stories focused on the threat of increased violence against abortion providers after the Dobbs decision leaked. For example, a headline in The Guardian reads:” ‘People want me dead’: abortion providers fear violence after Roe overturned.” Other news stories also focused on the increased threat of violence directed against abortion providers, but not on violence against people on the other side of the debate. The issue has also gotten attention with the recent arrest of Mark Houck for shoving someone at an abortion clinic to the ground. The man he pushed was reportedly harassing Houck’s son, but the FBI sent 25-30 yelling agents with guns drawn to Houck’s home at 7:05 a.m. There is other evidence that the US DOJ is selectively targeting pro-life leaders.

The US Department of Justice keeps an up-to-date list of recent violence cases against reproductive health care providers. Still, it doesn’t collect similar data for cases against pro-life centers. The US DOJ provides information on only one case of property damage against a Planned Parenthood facility in July. Still, there may be other cases, so we did extensive news searches and contacted various organizations on both sides of the debate.

From a Research Associate at the CPRC:

On October 3rd, 2022, The Daily Beast reported that “incidents of arson, vandalism, blockades, bomb threats, and death threats have doubled compared to May through August 2021, NAF’s (National Abortion Federation) data shows.” Besides, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) did release its 2021 statistics on violence and disruption against abortion providers on May 19th, 2022. Thus, I contacted the NAF to learn more about such incidents in 2022.
When I called the operator at the NAF, they directed me to email the DC Abortion Fund (DCAF). I emailed the NAF and DCAF seven times between October 10th and October 25th. As of October 31st, while I got automated responses indicating they had received the messages, I never received any further response.

We felt it was important to identify and read each case to ensure they were comparable.

To search for the cases against either pro-choice or pro-life groups, I googled with keywords such as “Anti-abortion attacks,” “Attacks on Abortion Providers,” “Violence to abortion clinic,” “Pro-abortion attacks,” and “Attacks on pregnancy centers.” Most of the results are related to the cases that happened last year or earlier. The most relevant info I got is Daily Beast’s October 3rd article. As it mentioned National Abortion Federation (NAF) collected such cases, I tried to reach out to NAF for more information with no response.

Regarding attacks on pro-life groups, I also found sources that tracked cases, such as the Catholic News Agency and the House Republican Committee on Energy and Commerce

NAF released a report for 2021, but it only provided summary statistics and not a list of the cases upon which the report was based. We also reached out to the author of the Daily Beast piece, Decca Muldowney, but she informed us that she also didn’t see a list from the NAF, though it doesn’t appear she asked for it. The NAF 2021 report received extensive news coverage (e.g., NBC News), but not of these other stories provided any list of recent cases. Unfortunately, NARAL only collects cases up until 2016.

The media has uncritically accepted pro-choice claims of violence without asking for a list of cases. The CPRC’s past research has shown that the news media has engaged in a similar false narrative of white supremacists doing mass public shootings.

Violence against pro-life people and organizations

Englewood, ColoradoSeptember 24, 2022Bella Health + Wellness, a pro-life family health clinic, was vandalized the weekend of Sept. 24 with various graffiti, including a reference to Satan and a stylized depiction of a devilish character. After 7 p.m. on Sept. 25, Bella’s social media reported that the Englewood Police Department had made an arrest.
Lake Odessa, MichiganSeptember 20, 2022An 83-year-old Michigan pro-life volunteer was shot in the shoulder while canvassing for a pro-life group, the Right to Life of Michigan.
Southfield, MichiganSeptember 16, 2022The back door of the Mother and Unborn Baby Care pregnancy center in Southfield was vandalized with threatening messages written in red spray paint and smashed windows.
Albany, New YorkAugust 22, 2022Alpha Pregnancy Care Center in Albany was vandalized with red graffiti reading “Jane’s Revenge,” “Fake clinic,” and “Stop forced birth!”
Easthampton, MassachusettsAugust 18, 2022The Bethlehem House Inc. Pregnancy Care Center was hit by black and red graffiti. Messages included “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you!” and “Janes Revenge.”
Pocatello, IdahoAugust 9, 2022The Compassion & Hope Pregnancy Center in Pocatello was vandalized with messages including “forced birth center,” “God is a woman” and “beware.”
Petoskey, MichiganAugust 3, 2022The Pregnancy Care Center of Petoskey was vandalized.
Lawrence, KansasAugust 1, 2022Victory Bible Church in Lawrence, Kansas, was vandalized over messaging concerning the state’s upcoming vote on the “Value Them Both” amendment.
Northfield, MinnesotaAugust 1, 2022The Northfield Women’s Center was vandalized.
St. Paul, MinnesotaAugust 1, 2022Abria Pregnancy Resources was defaced with red spray paint with the words “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you.” A rock was also thrown through a window. 
Riverside, CaliforniaJuly 31, 2022Abortion-rights protesters vandalized the Riverside County Historic Courthouse in Riverside.
Lawrence, KansasJuly 31, 2022Two Lawrence churches (Victory Baptist Church and Calvary Temple Assembly of God) were vandalized overnight with pro-choice messaging on the eve of Kansas’ vote on a constitutional amendment that would allow the state Legislature to ban abortion.
Leawood, KansasJuly 31, 2022A Kansas woman allegedly attacked a teenage pro-life canvasser when the student knocked on her door.
Los Angeles, CaliforniaJuly 28, 2022Three activists affiliated with the organizations Rise Up 4 Abortion and Vets Rise 4 Roe were arrested at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) for ‘Felony Vandalism’ during a protest staged outside of the LACMA.
Revere, MassachusettsJuly 21, 2022Vandals spray-painted “if abortion’s not safe neither are you,” on the brick wall of the clinic Your Options Medical. 
Springfield, GeorgiaJuly 20, 2022A sign outside of St. Boniface Catholic Church on Hwy 21 that said, “God doesn’t make mistakes. Choose life!” was spray painted and disfigured overnight with a despicable message.
Tomah, WisconsinJuly 19, 2022A sign reading “Don’t stay home…Vote pro-life” was vandalized with black spray paint and damaged repeatedly.
Baton Rouge, LouisianaJuly 11, 2022The Women’s New Life Clinic, a crisis pregnancy center in Baton Rouge, was vandalized. The facility’s exterior walls, windows, and signage were covered with red spray-painted messages, including “Abortion is a right” and “Fake Clinic,” as well as several references to the group Jane’s Revenge.
Overland Park, KansasJuly 10, 2022Church of the Ascension was vandalized with red spray paint. “My body my choice” was written across the buildings, vulgar messages were written on the school doors, and a statue of the Virgin Mary was defaced with red paint.
Bethesda, MarylandJuly 9, 2022Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic Church and North Bethesda United Methodist Church were set on fire and Wildwood Baptist Church was vandalized in Bethesda, Maryland.
Villas, New JerseyJuly 9, 2022Two Villas residents have been arrested after the sign in front of St. John Neumann Church, on Bayshore Road, in Villas, was vandalized with spray paint.
Sacramento, CaliforniaJuly 7, 2022A man reportedly approached Alternatives Pregnancy Center armed with a machete. The clinic has reportedly enhanced its security measures as a result.
Akron, OhioJuly 7, 2022Offices for the Right to Life of Northeast Ohio were targeted twice in weeks. On July 8, at least one suspect was caught on camera lobbing rocks at the building, breaking windows, and spray-painting menacing messages. On June 24, the day Roe was officially overturned, activists posted pro-abortion posters at the office, hung a coat hanger on an office doorknob, and rang a Ring security camera before flashing a middle finger to the camera.
Phoenix, ArizonaJuly 6, 2022Lifeboat Coffee, which offers customers life-affirming pro-life labels for their brand and publicly supports the pro-life cause, was vandalized on July 6, with a rock thrown through the business’s window. Owner John Lillis believes his business was targeted because the shop is public about its pro-life belief with posters on the wall.
Worcester, MassachusettsJuly 6, 2022Vandals targeted two ‘pregnancy crisis’ centers in Worcester. Clearway Clinic suffered substantial damage to its glass doors and window. Pregnancy Resource Center was defaced with blue and gold paint splattered over the building it occupies.
Oreland, PennsylvaniaJuly 6, 2022The office of the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia had its front window smashed and its wall vandalized.
Kenmore, WashingtonJuly 5, 2022Kenmore’s Care Net of Puget Sound Pregnancy Clinic was vandalized the morning of July 5 with the message “If abortions aren’t safe, you aren’t either,” and an American flag was burned and left on the property.
St. Paul, MinnesotaJuly 4, 2022Birthright clinic in St. Paul was vandalized. Graffiti on the building read “Abort America,” “Blood on your hands,” and “Janes Revenge.” 
Moab, UtahJuly 4, 2022Arches New Hope Pregnancy Center was vandalized with black and blue spray paint splattering the exterior walls and windows of the center. 
Hialeah, FloridaJuly 3, 2022Heartbeat of Miami’s Pregnancy Help Medical Clinic has security cameras damaged and is defaced with graffiti in Hialeah. Photos of the vandalism show the words “Janes Revenge” and “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you” among other pro-abortion messages and anarchist symbols all written in graffiti. 
Hillsborough, North CarolinaJuly 3, 2022Holy Family Catholic Church was vandalized with pro-abortion graffiti around 12:15 a.m. on July 3. Graffiti shows the words “F*** the church,” “I love abortion,” and an anarchist symbol.
Madison, WisconsinJuly 2, 2022St. Bernard Catholic Church’s front door and signage were damaged by graffiti, which contained “anti-’pro-life’ and anti-police” messages.
Madison, WisconsinJuly 2, 2022The Abundant Life Christian School’s exterior wall and the front sign had been spray-painted with graffiti on July 2. Police stated that the graffiti “involved a message about abortion and criticized the police.”It is believed that the attack was because of their pro-life beliefs.
Chippewa County, WisconsinJuly 1, 2022Four Catholic churches in Chippewa County have reported vandalism, seemingly by those who support abortion rights. Three churches in Chippewa Falls were vandalized: St Charles Catholic Church, Holy Ghost Parish, and Notre Dame Catholic Church. A fourth church, St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Tilden was also vandalized.
Winfield, KansasJune 30, 2022A Kansas county GOP headquarters office was vandalized by a man who lit campaign materials on fire outside the building and later broke the glass door with a rock.
Nashville, TennesseeJune 30, 2022A Molotov cocktail broke a window at the Hope Clinic for Women in midtown Nashville but did not ignite. A message saying “Jane’s Revenge” was spray-painted on the side of the building.
Sioux Falls, South DakotaJune 29, 2022An abortion rights march in South Dakota descended into chaos when police deployed “smoke bombs” on protesters, a number of whom were taken into custody. The city of Sioux Falls had reportedly not given a permit to organizers of the abortion rights march, leading to it being called an “unlawful gathering” by police.
Littleton, New HampshireJune 28, 2022The vandalism occurred around June 28, perpetrators spray painted “fund abortion abort God” on Pathways Pregnancy Care Center in Littleton. The care center is in the Elevate Church building, and police are investigating whether or not this is considered a hate crime, based on the message of the graffiti.
Bellevue, WashingtonJune 28, 2022A 31-year-old pro-abortion extremist was seen spray painting the outside of St. Louise Catholic Church in Bellevue and on a statue of the Virgin Mary. He was also caught on surveillance cameras throwing a rock repeatedly at a door inside a pastoral office, before kicking and punching the glass in.
Bullhead City, ArizonaJune 27, 2022St. Brendan the Voyager Orthodox Church had its window smashed by someone throwing a rock at the church. The church’s priest-in-charge, Fr. Mark Hodges, said he believed the vandalism was in response to the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade.
Yuba City, CaliforniaJune 27, 2022A Woman’s Friend Pregnancy Resource Clinic in Yuba City was vandalized with three rocks used to break a large window overnight between June 27 and 28.
Monroe County, IndianaJune 27, 2022“Her body her choice” was left on the side of the courthouse, while other pro-abortion rights messages were scrawled onto a war memorial in front of the courthouse.
Manhattan, New YorkJune 27, 2022A militant pro-choice network graffitied the words, “If abortion isn’t safe, neither are you,” on an Upper West Side Church. The chilling message, spray-painted in black, was discovered around 5:30 a.m. on one outer door of Ascension Roman Catholic Church near Amsterdam Avenue, coupled with the name of the group, “Jane’s Revenge,” on another door, along with an anarchy symbol.
Dayton, OhioJune 27, 2022“If abortion isn’t safe neither are you”, “Jane’s revenge” was spray-painted on the doors and walls of Women’s Centers of Ohio.
Portland, OregonJune 27, 2022A female photojournalist was assaulted by Antifa members in Portland, as the group vandalized First Image Pregnancy Resource Center and a building associated with Hinson Baptist Church.
Everett, WashingtonJune 27, 2022An attempted arson attack hit the Two Hearts Pregnancy Aid center. Vandals smashed windows and threw Molotov cocktails at the center.
Los Angeles, CaliforniaJune 26, 2022A 30-year-old pro-abortion extremist allegedly attacked a police officer with a “makeshift flamethrower” during Friday night’s abortion rights demonstration in downtown Los Angeles. He has been arrested and is facing possible charges of attempted murder.
Iowa City, IowaJune 26, 2022Informed Choices in Iowa City had its sign damaged and heavily graffitied in late June. Iowa City police activity page shows a call was dispatched to the address of the pregnancy center the morning of June 26 for “Criminal Mischief/Vandalism” where officers found “graffiti and paint on the sign.”
Brooklyn, New YorkJune 26, 2022Activists vandalized the downtown Brooklyn entrance of the Expectant Mother Care Frontline — a pregnancy help clinic — office building. Vandals spray-painted the words “EMC is a fake clinic” in bright red capital letters. 
Burlington, VermontJune 26, 2022Jane’s Revenge Vermont takes credit for vandalizing a pro-life pregnancy center in Burlington, Vermont.
Reston, VirginiaJune 26, 2022St. John Neumann Catholic Community Church was spray-painted with a number of messages related to the court’s ruling. Graffiti was visible on the church sign and at the back of the building. Someone spray-painted, “This won’t stop,” on the church sign, and “Separation (sic) of church and state,” on a back wall.
Concord, CaliforniaJune 25, 2022The mobile clinic of Options Health, a pregnancy center in Concord, California, was vandalized.
Glendale, CaliforniaJune 25, 2022On June 25, 2022, a statement posted online and signed “Jane’s Revenge” claimed responsibility for attacking Avenues Pregnancy Center in Glendale, California, with spray paint saying: “if abortions aren’t safe neither are you.” 
Cortez, ColoradoJune 25, 2022Heart to Heart Pregnancy Center in Cortez was defaced with pro-abortion graffiti sometime between Saturday night and Sunday evening. The graffiti was partly on the sidewalk and partly on the building.
Longmont, ColoradoJune 25, 2022Life Choices Pregnancy Center, a Christian pro-life ministry, was vandalized and set on fire Saturday morning. Graffiti included the slogans “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you,” “Bans off our bodies,” and anarchist symbols. The building also sustained fire and heavy smoke damage.
Tallahassee, FloridaJune 25, 2022A church and a roadway in northern Leon County were vandalized with abortion-related graffiti over the weekend. In red spray paint, the words “My BODY” was tagged over the entrance sign of St. Phillips American Methodist Church.
Winter Haven, FloridaJune 25, 2022LifeChoice Pregnancy Center in Winter Haven was defaced with pro-abortion graffiti. Photos of the graffiti show the words “Jane’s revenge,” “Jane was here,” “Abortion 4 all,” “Your time is up,” “We’re coming for you,” “We are everywhere,” some flowers, and anarchist symbols.
South Bend, IndianaJune 25, 2022A memorial cross for aborted unborn babies was vandalized with pro-abortion graffiti. The white cross, which says “In memory of aborted children” with a red heart, had yellow graffiti that crossed out the pro-life message and written pro-choice down the horizontal stretch of the cross.
Hutchinson, KansasJune 25, 2022A pro-life sign at St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church in Hutchinson was vandalized over the weekend.
New Orleans, LouisianaJune 25, 2022At Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church in New Orleans, a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a memorial stone for aborted unborn babies were defaced with red paint.
Eugene, OregonJune 25, 202210 arrests were made after people surrounded Dove Medical with destructive intent in Eugene. An unruly crowd was throwing smoke bombs and filled water bottles at officers, refusing to disperse.
Portland, OregonJune 25, 2022A sign at All Saints Parish in the well-off Laurelhurst district was spray-painted with the ominous message that abortion rights extremists have been using: “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you.”The letters were blood red.
Portland, OregonJune 25, 2022The Mother + Child Education Center in Portland’s Hollywood District was damaged by a group of about 60 people who marched Grant Park through the streets of Northeast Portland vandalizing other businesses and vehicles. The group was ostensibly marching in support of abortion rights following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Police said the vandals damaged multiple local businesses and a school van outside Grant High School.
Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaJune 25, 2022St. Patrick Catholic Church in Philadelphia was defaced with pro-abortion spray paint. “Abort the church” was on a corner outside of the church.
Montpelier, VermontJune 25, 2022The Vermont Statehouse was vandalized early Saturday when seven windows were broken and a message painted on the granite portico said “If abortions aren’t safe you’re not either.”
Lynchburg, VirginiaJune 25, 2022Vandals attacked Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center, an anti-abortion pregnancy center in central Virginia early Saturday morning. Officers found “​​that the building had been spray painted with graffiti, and multiple windows had been broken out. Security camera footage shows four masked individuals committing the acts.”
Renton, WashingtonJune 25, 2022St. Anthony Catholic Church in Renton was vandalized with smashed windows and spray painted abortion-rights and anti-Catholic messages in the late hours of Friday and early Saturday morning. Vandals also applied an unknown substance to locking mechanisms on several doors and stole the contents out of collection boxes.
Paso Robles, CaliforniaJune 24, 2022Tree of Life Pregnancy Support Center in Paso Robles had its windows broken and was defaced with anarchist symbols and the initials “JR.”
Southfield, MichiganJune 24, 2022Mother and Unborn Baby Care was vandalized on June 24. All 14 windows on the ground floor were smashed and a graffiti message: “Jane was here,” and “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you!”
New York, New YorkJune 24, 2022Pregnancy Help Inc. was vandalized late at night on the same day the court announced its decision. Vandals spray-painted the front door, spelling out blue, illegible letters, and smashed the glass front door. 
Raleigh, North CarolinaJune 24, 2022North Carolina Republican Party headquarters were defaced with graffiti in Raleigh. The graffiti on the headquarters’ brick wall read, “If abortion isn’t safe neither R you,” according to a photo of the vandalism the party tweeted.
Salt Lake City, UtahJune 24, 2022The Pregnancy Resource Center of Salt Lake City was vandalized on June 24, within hours of the release of the Dobbs decision. A sign was taped to the front door that read “If abortions aren’t safe neither are you,” and on the backside, “Women are fragile, not like a flower, but more like a bomb.”Stickers were left on the building, one of which said “Jesus loves abortion” with a heart shape replacing the word “love.” Stickers were placed around that one which said “abortion forever” and “abortion is healthcare.”
Jackson, MichiganJune 22, 2022An office building shared by a pro-life organization and a Michigan Republican’s campaign office was vandalized in an attack that appears to be linked to the pro-choice extremist group Jane’s Revenge.
Dearborn Heights, MichiganJune 19, 2022The attack at the Lennon Pregnancy Center on Ann Arbor Trail in Dearborn Heights occurred at 1 a.m. The vandals smashed 11 windows and three glass doors, and left a spray-painted message that read: “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you.”
Redford, MichiganJune 19, 2022The Pregnancy Care Center in Redford had its windows smashed and exterior wall spray painted with the message “This is a Fake Clinic” and “Jane.”
Minneapolis, MinnesotaJune 14, 2022“Abortion is liberation” was spraypainted on the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) office. This marked the second time in recent weeks that the office was targeted.
Eastpointe, MichiganJune 12, 2022Three pro-abortion activists (one partially nude) shout down a priest’s sermon and chant slogans, interrupting mass at St. Veronica’s Catholic Church in Eastpointe.
Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaJune 11, 2022Hope Pregnancy Center in Philadelphia had four windows and three glass doors smashed sometime between Friday, June 10, and Saturday, June 11, 2022.
Gresham, OregonJune 10, 2022First Image Pregnancy Resource Center in Gresham was set on fire at about 3 am. From initial investigations by Police and Fire authorities, it appears an incendiary device was thrown through a window. No one was hurt.
Vancouver, WashingtonJune 9, 2022Options360 Women’s Clinic in Vancouver was covered in red paint and the words “Jane’s Revenge” were scrawled across the wall with graffiti.
Chevy Chase, MarylandJune 8, 2022A 26-year-old California man was apprehended outside the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh on June 8. The man admitted he had traveled there to kill Kavanaugh, who was at home with his family, before killing himself. He told authorities he was upset over the leaked memo and how he expected Kavanaugh to vote in future cases regarding gun rights.
Lansing, MichiganJune 8, 2022A few dozen abortion rights activists protested in the Michigan Capitol, urging lawmakers to repeal a 1931 abortion ban in a demonstration that resulted in one arrest. 
Buffalo, New YorkJune 7, 2022CompassCare, a pro-life pregnancy center, was “firebombed” early Tuesday in an apparent act of political violence. “Jane was here,” was written on the side of the building. Several windows were shattered and flames and smoke extensively damaged offices.
Asheville, North CarolinaJune 6, 2022Vandals smashed out windows and spray-painted along the outside of the Mountain Area Pregnancy Services building along Haywood Road sometime between Monday night and Tuesday morning. Vandals had spray-painted the business with red graffiti, with the threatening wording, “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you!” and an anarchist symbol on the front of the building. They also found the wording, “No forced birth” on the side. 
Houston, TexasJune 5, 2022Abortion-rights activists breathlessly interrupted a megachurch hosted service by popular televangelist Joel Osteen in Houston on Sunday by shouting at the top of their lungs and stripping down to their underwear. “It’s my body, my f***ing choice!” shouted one protester who took off her dress to reveal a pair of green hands painted onto her white bra.
Federal Way, WashingtonJune 4, 2022Sometime during the weekend of June 4-5, someone plastered posters on the Care Net Puget Sound offices in Federal Way, claiming the facility wants to “push forced birth options.”The posters instructed the public to go to the abortion business Planned Parenthood instead.
Washington, D.C.June 3, 2022Capitol Hill Crisis Pregnancy Center was vandalized sometime between late Thursday night and Friday morning. The center’s front door was splattered with red paint and the words “Jane Says Revenge” were spray-painted on the side of the building. 
Anchorage, AlaskaJune 2, 2022The Anchorage vandalism occurred June 2 around 1:30 a.m. at Community Pregnancy Center. A staff member reportedly found nails placed facing upwards in a crack in the clinic parking lot, in addition to the spray-painted graffiti. Glass in the clinic’s front door was also reportedly broken.
Des Moines, IowaJune 2, 2022Overnight June 2-3, Agape Pregnancy Resource Center was spray-painted with the messages “Agape is a fake clinic,” “They lie to shame and manipulate people into not getting abortions,” “God loves abortion,” “fake clinic,” and “stop lying.”The pro-abortion group Janes’ Revenge claimed responsibility for the attack.
Hollywood, FloridaMay 28, 2022The Respect Life Ministry’s main office in Hollywood was defaced with pro-abortion graffiti over Memorial Day weekend. Messages included “If abortions aren’t safe then neither [sic] are you,” “Janes revenge,” and an anarchist symbol.
Eugene, OregonMay 27, 2022Dove Medical Clinic in Eugene was spray-painted with “NOT A CLINIC”, anarchist symbols, and “FROM JANE.”
Lynnwood, WashingtonMay 25, 2022Next Step Pregnancy Center in Lynnwood was vandalized by a criminal dressed in all black. She tagged the property with the threat “If abortion isn’t safe, you aren’t either” and “Jane’s revenge.”
Sebastopol, CaliforniaMay 24, 2022“My Body, My Choice” was spray painted on an anti-abortion billboard in Sebastopol.
Grand Rapids, MichiganMay 24, 2022Some protesters shouted down an anti-abortion activist during public comment at Tuesday night’s Grand Rapids City Commission meeting, prompting Mayor Rosalynn Bliss to adjourn yet another meeting early.
Columbus, MississippiMay 24, 2022Someone vandalized Mt. Avery Missionary Baptist Church in rural Lowndes County. The graffiti included messages like “Girls just want to have fundamental human rights,” “Keep your laws off my body,” and multiple comments about rape and incest. There was also a crude drawing of what appeared to be a sexual assault.
Olympia, WashingtonMay 22, 2022Self-described anarchists took credit for vandalizing four pro-life churches in Olympia, referring to the houses of worship as “patriarchal sex abuse cults” that perpetuate the “violence of forced birth.” In online posts over the weekend, the pro-abortion group “admitted painting graffiti on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints building on the north side of Olympia, Calvary Chapel, Harbor Church, and St. Michael Catholic Church early Sunday morning.”
Portland, OregonMay 20, 2022A pro-life billboard was vandalized with the message “Abort the Supreme Court” along with a symbol of anarchism used by Antifa violent extremists.
Auburn, AlabamaMay 19, 2022Pro-Life Women’s Clinic was vandalized in Auburn. The clinic’s sign was scratched with a key, and the cars of staff members were also keyed.
Wichita, KansasMay 17, 2022Supporters of the “Value Them Both” amendment complained about yard signs being stolen.
Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaMay 17, 2022The pro-life billboard was vandalized in Pittsburgh.
Long Beach, CaliforniaMay 16, 2022A lone woman reportedly entered His Nesting Place – a Home for Mothers and Children, a maternity home, yelled at those present, ripped up a bible, and tried to throw a statue of a baby.
Flemington, New JerseyMay 16, 2022A rowdy pro-abortion protest by students resulted in the physical and verbal assault of a sophomore holding a pro-life sign.
Frederick, MarylandMay 15, 2022Birthright, a crisis pregnancy center, was vandalized in Frederick. The words “Defend Roe”were spray-painted between the facility’s two front windows. The profane “F*** fake clinic” was written next to the front door, reflecting the hostility pro-abortion activists have toward pro-life pregnancy clinics.
Phoenix, ArizonaMay 14, 2022Planned Parenthood Chair brags how her husband assaulted a man in a “Blacks for Trump” shirt at a Planned Parenthood Advocated of Arizona (PPAZ) “Bans Off Our Bodies” rally.
Boise, IdahoMay 14, 2022Two people were arrested at abortion rights rallies in downtown Boise on Saturday and were charged with resisting or obstructing officers. One was also charged with battery on a law enforcement officer.
Washington, D.C.May 13, 2022According to an intelligence bulletin the DHS issued to state and local law enforcement agencies nationwide, some of the social media threats discussed “burning down or storming the U.S. Supreme Court and murdering Justices and their clerks, members of Congress, and lawful demonstrators.”
Reisterstown, MarylandMay 13, 2022Vandals spray-painted threats against Alpha Pregnancy Center that read: “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you.” Other messages read: “Not a clinic,” and “You’re anti-choice and not pro-life.” The messages were signed “Jane’s Revenge.”
Overland Park, KansasMay 11, 2022Surveillance cameras caught a vandal committing “criminal damage” at the Church of the Ascension in Overland, where the perpetrator defaced a sign promoting a pro-life state proposition.
Ypsilanti, MichiganMay 11, 2022Family Life Services pregnancy center in Ypsilanti, was vandalized with pro-abortion messages sometime between the late hours of May 11 and the early hours of May 12.
Houston, TexasMay 9, 2022“Pro-Choice is Pro-Life” was painted on the main entrance to Holy Rosary Church and a side door.
Washington, D.C.May 8, 2022Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has been taken to a secure location to protect him and his family in the wake of pro-abortion violence over the weekend amid threats to justices and their families at their homes.
Bangor, MaineMay 8, 2022Senator Susan Collins reported an abortion rights message scrawled in chalk on the sidewalk in front of her Bangor home. She has periodically received threatening letters and phone calls.
Keizer, OregonMay 8, 2022At least one person attempted to break in and then threw Molotov cocktails at Oregon Right to Life, a pro-life organization’s building in Keizer Sunday night.
Denton, TexasMay 8, 2022Woman to Woman resource Center was vandalized over the weekend in Denton. ‘Not a clinic’ was spray painted over the front door. The building’s security cameras and business signs were also spray painted. 
Katy, TexasMay 8, 2022Two Catholic churches in Katy have been vandalized by abortion rights advocates. Vandals at St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church tried to remove the tabernacle. Intruders at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church sought to desecrate the Eucharist.
Seattle, WashingtonMay 8, 2022Protesters laid on the steps of St. James Cathedral in Seattle with fake blood on them to mimic coat hanger abortions during Mass. The incident involved a heated confrontation between a security guard and protesters.
Madison, WisconsinMay 8, 2022A Molotov cocktail was used against Wisconsin Family Action in Madison and did not ignite, but another fire was set.
Fort Collins, ColoradoMay 7, 2022St. John XXIII Catholic Parish, a Catholic church in Fort Collins was vandalized early Saturday morning. Around 1:15 a.m. on May 7, someone spray-painted “My Body My Choice” on the front doors and broke exterior glass panels of the church.
New York, New YorkMay 7, 2022St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in New York City has received several bomb threats and arson threats since news leaked that the U.S. Supreme Court may overturn Roe v. Wade.
Denton, TexasMay 7, 2022The Loreto House, a pregnancy resource center, was vandalized with spray paint overnight. Both sides of the nonprofit’s main sign on Bonnie Brae Street and the front door were spray painted with the words “Not a clinic,” while the wall next to the front door had graffiti reading “Forced birth is murder.”
Alexandria, VirginiaMay 7, 2022The office for Concerned Women for America (CWA), the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization, was allegedly vandalized Saturday night. In a video, an unidentified man is shown ripping the organization’s intercom system from the exterior entrance and making inappropriate gestures to the camera multiple times before unzipping his pants to urinate on the door and windows.
Manassas, VirginiaMay 7, 2022Over the weekend, vandals defaced First Care Women’s Health, a pro-life pregnancy-resource center in Manassas, writing three graffiti messages on the side of the building: “Abortion is a right,” “Fake clinic,” and “Liars.”
Bangor, MaineMay 6, 2022The sign for First Step Pregnancy Resource Center and the sign holder on the front door were ripped off.
Washington, D.C.May 5, 2022A statue in Stanton Park was vandalized with the message, “My body my choice.”
Portland, OregonMay 5, 2022The Southeast Portland Pregnancy Resource Center in Portland was vandalized Wednesday, its windows smashed and graffiti spray-painted across the front of the building. One photo shows broken windows and the words “F— CPCs” scrolled across an exterior wall.
Washington, D.C.May 4, 2022Two pro-life leaders said that abortion activists punched them at the D.C. protest.
Indianapolis, IndianaMay 4, 2022Pro-life student advocates were shoved and grabbed from behind at a pro-abortion rally.
Frederick, MarylandMay 4, 2022CareNet Pregnancy Center was vandalized with graffiti reading “end forced motherhood” and “abortion is a right.”
Phoenix, ArizonaMay 3, 2022Pro-choice demonstrators cursed at, spat on, and berated volunteers with the “Students for Kari” group, which is working to help elect Republican Kari Lake to the state’s top office.
Los Angeles, CaliforniaMay 3, 2022Abortion activists threw rocks and bottles at police officers and one officer was transported to the hospital by ambulance for treatment. Pro-abortion protesters also smashed the window of a police vehicle.
Boulder, ColoradoMay 3, 2022The Sacred Heart of Mary Church in Boulder was vandalized. Vandals spray-painted phrases “My Body My Choice” on the doors of the church and “Abortion Saves Lives” on its exterior walls. The church also had several windows broken and statues of the saints featured on the exterior of the property defaced.
Portland, OregonMay 3, 2022Downtown businesses were damaged after rallies at Portland State University, against the Supreme Court’s draft opinion suggesting the court would overturn Roe v. Wade. There’s also graffiti on nearby buildings.
Austin, TexasMay 3, 2022Pro-choice activists protested in front of the Trotter House in Austin, and apparently tore down the organization’s banner. Videos and photos posted on Twitter showed protesters chanting, “my body, my choice,” and a large white banner hanging on the front of a building that said “Trotter House.”
Denton, TexasMay 3, 2022Antifa allegedly vandalized the door of a female college student and conservative activist who has been repeatedly harassed at the University of North Texas (UNT) in Denton.
Seattle, WashingtonMay 3, 2022A photographer and a reporter for KOMO News in Seattle were attacked Wednesday while trying to cover a pro-choice protest in the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood.
St. Louis, MissouriMay 2, 2022On May 2 at the University of Missouri at St. Louis (UMSL), Students for Life of UMSL organized a “Cemetery of the Innocents,” which featured 2,636 pink flags staked into the ground. The pro-life memorial results in vandalism and destruction.

Violence against pro-choice people and organizations.

Cuyahoga Falls, OhioAugust 15, 2022A Summit County woman was caught on camera throwing the bag against the door of an abortion clinic and left. When clinic staff looked outside they saw the bag’s macabre contents—a dead raccoon, covered in flies.
Kalamazoo, MichiganJuly 31, 2022A man set a Planned Parenthood building on fire in Kalamazoo, Michigan. A suspect was charged with arson of an organization receiving federal funding. According to investigators the suspect posted videos on YouTube railing against abortion and other topics.
Nashville, TennesseeJuly 28, 2022A trio attempted to bypass security measures at the clinic’s doors inside a larger medical office building. They were found to be armed when arrested at a Nashville protest later in the day. U.S. District Judge William L. Campbell later ruled the demonstrators, including members of anti-abortion organization Operation Save America, are barred from the property of a reproductive health care clinic, as part of an ongoing federal lawsuit.
Hempstead, New YorkJuly 7, 2022A man used a physical obstruction to interfere with a New York Planned Parenthood clinic that provides reproductive health services, including abortion. He is accused of fastening chains and locks to the clinic’s gate and pouring superglue on it to keep the clinic’s gate from opening. The man also lay on the ground and prevented vehicles from entering the clinic’s parking lot.
Greensboro, North CarolinaJune 24, 2022One protester methodologically drove around the parking lot of A Woman’s Choice so his car was lined up with the escorts. He did not stop his car. Instead, he collided with a volunteer, forcing her to twist her body out of the way.
Casper, WyomingMay 25, 2022A masked woman in a hooded shirt set a fire at a planned abortion clinic in Casper, Wyoming.



