Except for Biden’s Supporters, Democrats, and Liberals, Likely American Voters Overwhelmingly Believe that Crime Getting Worse

Apr 11, 2022 | Survey

Rasmussen Reports has a new survey of 1,000 Likely Voters (April 4-5, 2022) about whether crime is getting worse and how Biden is handling crime. Yet another survey on crime shows that the primary supporters of Democrat policies are the elites. All groups except Democrats and Liberals believe that crime is getting worse, with large percentages of them, particularly liberals, believing that there has been no real change in crime. Interestingly, those who went to graduate school and those earning over $200,000 per year are the least concerned about crime getting worse. Biden’s strongest supporters think crime is getting better, while those who somewhat support him primarily think things are unchanged.

The breakdowns on whether people think that Biden is doing an excellent or good job on crime are similar. Those who support Biden, Democrats, and Liberals feel that way. Most people who went to graduate school feel the same way.



