The National Crime Victimization Survey, in the latest year that it is available, 2019, shows that firearms were used 440,830 incidents for rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults (Table 25). The FBI Uniform Crime Reports shows that firearms were used in 10,258 murders. Some put the number of gun in the US at around 400 million, if you assume that on average each criminal firearm is used in two different crimes, a definite underestimate, only about 0.056% of firearms are used in a crime in any given year. Over 20 years and assuming that none of those guns were again used in another crime, that would imply that 1.1% of guns were used in a crime. Presumably, many of these crime guns would be used over and over again so that is again a definite overestimate.
Dr. Lott participates in Press Briefing with Over 30 Reporters on How Crime is Increasing and Law Enforcement is Collapsing
Dr. John Lott's portion of Press Briefing Complete Press Briefing On September 6th, Dr. John Lott participated in a press briefing. Over 30 reporters participated in the briefing, with news stories appearing in the New York Post and Breitbart. The research upon which...