Armed teacher stops attempted kidnapping in Utah

May 28, 2021 | Defensive Gun Use

Any teacher in Utah with a concealed handgun permit is able to carry their permitted concealed handgun at school. In this case, a teacher first protected an 11-year-old that this unrelated stranger tried to grab off a school playground and then protected the class of students from this man when he got into the school.

“An employee was watching the kids from the inside and observed the suspect walk up to this 11-year-old girl [on the playground] and put his hands on her in an attempt to take her,” said Lt. Brian Eynon, of the Ogden City Police Department. “He ran outside, the employee did, and confronted the suspect. At that same time, the girl had the ability to pull away from the suspect.” . . .

The teacher, who has a concealed carry permit, produced a firearm and held Cox-Berry off while calling 911, police said.

“This employee is protected under the Second Amendment. He followed all policy and procedure at the school, and in this particular case, did everything that he should have done to protect the innocent lives of the children at the school,” said Eynon. “And in this case, it is likely that a life was saved or injury to a life was prevented due to the actions of this heroic employee.” . . .

“A teacher intervened when there was a situation that threatened students’ safety. This teacher, this school employee, is a hero. We don’t disagree with that at all,” Bates said. “Yes, it was a very scary situation, something we take very seriously, but it came out with a good ending, meaning no students were physically harmed, no adults were physically harmed, that this was an incident where out emergency response protocols were acted out.” . . .

Addy Bink, Jason Nguyen, “Armed teacher stops attempted kidnapping in Utah, police say,” KTVX, May 27, 2021.





On The Larry Elder Show: Discussing Migrant Crime

On The Larry Elder Show: Discussing Migrant Crime

Dr. John Lott appeared on The Larry Elder Show to discuss the price of migrant crime. See also Dr. Lott's two pieces at The Daily Signal ("Crime Rate for Illegal Aliens Vastly Understated, Data Shows") and ("New Data on Migrant Crime Rates Raises Eyebrows, Alarms")....