George Mason economics Professor Walter Williams discusses some of Dr. John Lott’s past writings in his weekly national column. His column is syndicated by Creators.
legal scholar John Lott argues that gun accessibility in our country has never been as restricted as it is now. Lott reports that until the 1960s, New York City public high schools had shooting clubs. Students carried their rifles to school on the subway in the morning and then turned them over to their homeroom teacher or a gym teacher — and that was mainly to keep them centrally stored and out of the way. Rifles were retrieved after school for target practice. Virginia’s rural areas had a long tradition of high school students going hunting in the morning before school, and they sometimes stored their guns in the trunks of their cars during the school day, parked on the school grounds.
During earlier periods, people could simply walk into a hardware store and buy a rifle. Buying a rifle or pistol through a mail-order catalog — such as Sears, Roebuck & Co.’s — was easy. Often, a 12th or 14th birthday present was a shiny new .22-caliber rifle, given to a boy by his father. . . .
Among the places his piece was published were Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), News & Record (Greensboro, North Carolina), Toronto Sun (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Cyber News Service (CNSNews), Townhall, Conservative Review, World Net Daily, The Western Journal, Newsbusters, Patriot Post, The New American, Front Page Magazine, Charleston Gazette-Mail (Charleston, West Virginia), Herald-Tribune (Sarasota, Florida), Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (Lubbock, Texas), Daily Commercial (Leesburg, Virginia), Gainesville Sun (Gainesville, Florida), Yellow Hammer (Alabama), Times-News (Hendersonville, North Carolina), Star Tribune (Casper, Wyoming), Gaston Gazette (Gaston County, North Carolina), Meridian Star (Meridian, Mississippi), Shelby Star (Cleveland County, North Carolina), Sumter Item (Sumter, South Carolina), Northwest Florida Daily News, Sanford Herald (Sanford, North Carolina), The News Virginia (Waynesboro, Virginia), The Times (Apalachicola & Carrabelle, Florida), GOPUSA, Spartanburg Herald Journal (Spartanburg, South Carolina), and News Chief. This is just a fraction of the places that will be publishing his piece.