National Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Surveys on Concealed Handgun Reciprocity and other issues

May 14, 2018 | Featured

For 29 years, the National Association of Chiefs of Police has conducted annual surveys of how police chiefs view gun regulations.  (Click on survey results to enlarge.)  The last couple of surveys ask a different question than the earlier ones.  The most recent couple of surveys ask if their department supports national reciprocity, while the earlier surveys ask if they believe that it will help them reduce crime.  For the last two surveys, over 86% of those surveyed said that their departments supported national reciprocity.  The results were fairly consistent when the same survey question asked, and they all show strong support for national reciprocity.

29th Annual Survey — 2016

28th Annual Survey — 2015

27th Annual Survey — 2014

26th Annual Survey — 2013

25th Annual Survey — 2012

24th Annual Survey — 2011

23rd Annual Survey — 2010

22nd Annual Survey — 2009

Other years of surveys available here.


1 Comment

  1. Craig Douglass Bills

    Reciprocity should be accompanied with additional phrasing that explains what it definitely mean. “National Reciprocity For Conceal & Carry A Handgun” would be best.

    Also. Does this survey go out to County Sheriffs?

    Thank you.

