Sheriff’s deputy says “I’m alive today because of [concealed handgun permit holder]”

Jan 29, 2016 | Featured

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Bistro County is located just a few miles east of Austin.  From today’s Austin Statesman:

. . . “Freeze!” Scott Perkins yelled as he pulled out his concealed handgun, pointing at the suspect.

“I’m alive today because of him,” the deputy, 23-year-old Dylan Dorris said Wednesday, reflecting on the events surrounding a disturbance call outside a Bastrop County gas station Jan. 16. “There are no words to explain it. He’s such an outstanding citizen. He’s here for our country, our community and you really feel the love.”

Perkins’ actions caused the suspect to leave Dorris and flee, before he was detained and taken into custody by another deputy and Dorris shortly after.

Kenton Desean Fryer, 32, of Arkansas was arrested on charges of aggravated assault of a public servant, taking an officer’s weapon, evading arrest or detention with a vehicle and driving while under the influence with a child under 15. He is in Bastrop County Jail on $50,000 bail. . . .

Dorris remembers fearing for his life.

“I remember thinking stay in the fight. Just keep fighting, keep fighting. Do whatever you can do, just stay alive you need to go home,” Dorris said. He was transported to the hospital and treated for minor injuries that night. . . .

The entire story is quite moving and it is available here.

Other cases of civilians using guns to save the lives of police officers are available here.

Note: Not only can civilians directly save the lives of police officers, but the fact that there are civilians carrying concealed handguns who are unknown to the criminals makes it riskier for those criminals to attack police.



1 Comment

  1. Phauxtoe

    Thanks Mr. Perkins!


  1. The Daily Gouge Archive, Wednesday, July 27th, 2016 - […] the first, a drunk man attacked a deputy sheriff near Austin, Texas. “I remember thinking, ‘Stay in the fight.…


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