Woman with Concealed Handgun Permit Saves Life of 90-year-old Man from being Stabbed to Death

Dec 11, 2015 | Featured

From Fox 5 in Atlanta:

Armed Gwinnett County residents packing heat, took action after hearing a man’s cries for help. They credit their guns with saving the elderly man’s life.

“Help, he is trying to kill me, help me, help me.” Those are the chilling words Karen Duncan heard as she walked up her friend’s driveway in Lawrenceville Monday afternoon.

“She kind of started running towards the house,” said her friend, Ron Childress. “I could tell something was wrong and she hit the doorbell in a panic.” . . .

Duncan said the man was trying to stab another man around 90-years-old. She said she told him to stop, but he did not listen.

“Finally I said, ‘I’m getting ready to shoot you’ and then he stopped and he looked at me and he tossed the knife away,” said Duncan. . . .

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1 Comment

  1. Jack

    In these uncertain times we need to be able to defend ourselves if need be against thugs and terrorism as the police and TRG (swat) cannot be everywhere.I am a white South African and we needed to be adept with firearms from an early age and now this pathetic goverment wants to take our line of defence from us.
