There are two new laws that went into effect in Georgia on July 1st (HB 60 and HB 826).
HB 826: A person who is licensed in accordance with Code Section 16-11-129 or issued a permit pursuant to Code Section 43-38-10 [may possess a concealed firearm] when he or she is within a school safety zone or on a bus or other transportation furnished by a public school or a person who is licensed in accordance with Code Section 16-11-129 or issued a permit pursuant to Code Section 43-38-10 when he or she has any firearm legally kept within a vehicle when such vehicle is parked within a school safety zone or is in transit through a designated school safety zone
HB 60: A person who is licensed in accordance with Code Section 16-11-129 or issued a permit pursuant to Code Section 43-38-10, [may possess a concealed firearm] when such person carries or picks up a student within a school safety zone, at a school function, or on a bus or other transportation furnished by a school or a person who is licensed in accordance with Code Section 16-11-129 or issued a permit pursuant to Code Section 43-38-10 when he or she has any weapon legally kept within a vehicle when such vehicle is parked within a school safety zone or is in transit through a designated school safety zone
The two bills are quite different. HB 60 allows you to keep your gun in your car. HB 826 lets you carry the gun anywhere on school property.
So which law is in effect? There are two considerations.
1) The first rule to look at here is which bill was signed last. In that case, HB 60 would be binding.
2) But that consideration is only relevant where the two bills are in conflict. In this case, there doesn’t appear to be any conflict. HB 60 allows one to possess a concealed firearm in vehicles on school property. In HB 826, permit holders are allowed to carry guns in all areas on school property. The two bills would have been in conflict if HB 60 had said that concealed firearms could only be possessed in vehicles on school property.
Good morning,
I am in Washington State and we have a commitment from a state representative to introduce a bill to allow for concealed carry on campus. I have just begun to research this issue in my spare time and would appreciate any ideas on legislation you can give me. We are looking for a model bill that can be introduced this session.
Thank you,
Michael Wilson, Olympia, WA