The Federal Bureau of Prisons has numbers on the sex of inmates. Of the 10,025 people in federal women's prisons, 1,529 are men or 15.3%. Of the 143,714 people in federal men's prisons, 744 are women or 0.5%. So-called transgender females are thus greater over...
Trans Covenant School Diary Released, FBI Strongly Argued Against Releasing It, Said It Would “Potentially [be] Inflaming the Public.” Why was the FBI Only Against Releasing this One Diary?
Given the lack of media coverage, you could understandably miss it, but “nearly four dozen pages” of the Nashville Covenant School murderer’s diary were just released. The Tennessee Star’s parent company had successfully filed two...
Trans activist, who is an Obama supporter, is accused of stabbing 4 young girls and then attacking 2 other people at a McDonald’s
The suspect who went on a stabbing spree at Braintree's AMC Theather was identified by local media based on sources within law enforcement as Jared Ravizza. The transperson was arrested by the cops in Massachusetts for allegedly stabbing four teenage girls and two...
Trans teen (a woman pretending to be a man) arrested for threatening to shoot up a school, wrote a 129-page manifesto dealing plans. Researched other trans mass murderers. Wanted to be famous. Seeing psychologists, but they didn’t flag the danger.
A Montgomery County high school student is charged with what police describe as plans to commit a school shooting. . Andrea Ye, 18, of Rockville, whose preferred name is Alex Ye, is charged with threats of mass violence. Montgomery County Police and the FBI arrested...
On the Vince Coglianese Show: Discussing the Lakewood Church attack and Mass Public Shootings
Dr. John Lott talked to Vince Coglianese on Washington, D.C.'s WMAL about the Lakewood Church attack in Texas on Sunday, February 11th. The attacker, a transgender "woman" who had a criminal history (including assaulting a police officer and forgery) and mental...
Updated information on Mass Public Shootings from 1998 through October 2023
When another shooting happens at a place such as a school or a mall, politicians and the media are apt to claim that many hundreds of mass shootings occur each year. “Over the last year since Uvalde, our country has experienced a staggering 650 mass shootings,”...
UPDATED: Iowa Perry High School Murderer, attacked another Gun-free School Zone, Another Trans attacker
The Iowa Perry High School is under the Perry Community School District. It has a very clear firearms policy. The only exceptions for people having guns on school grounds that are listed as: "conducting instructional programs regarding firearms or for conducting an...