Nikki Goeser's testimony on Red Flag bill SB23-170: Dr. Lott's testimony on Red Flag bill SB23-170: Dr. Lott's testimony on lawsuits against gun makers and dealers SB23-168: Dr. Lott's testimony on raising the age to buying a gun to 21, SB23-169: Nikki Goeser and Dr....
Testimony to the Michigan House Judiciary Committee on Proposed Gun Control Bills Dr. John Lott testified before the Michigan House Judiciary Committee about gun control bills, including licensing and universal background checks, Red Flag laws, and safe storage laws. The hearings were partially motivated by the Michigan...
Nikki Goeser’s Testimony before Connecticut Joint Judiciary Comm on Gun-free zones & Safe Storage The Crime Prevention Research Center's Nikki Goeser testified before the Connecticut Joint Judiciary Committee on gun-free zones in restaurants that serve alcohol and safe storage. Monday, March 6, 2023
Nikki Goeser and Dr. John Lott Testified before the Michigan State Senate Judiciary Committee on Proposed Gun Control Laws State Sen. Jim Runestad, R-White Lake, invited Dr. John Lott and Nikki Goeser to testify before the Michigan state Senate Judiciary Committee. Nikki Goeser, the executive director of the Crime...
Testimony to the Vermont State Senate Judiciary Committee on Banning those Under 21 from Owning “Assault Weapons.” UPDATE: Despite a 4-to-1 Democrat majority, that provision was defeated unanimously. Dr. John Lott testified before the Vermont state Senate Judiciary Committee about SB 4, which would ban those under 21 years old from owning so-called "Assault Weapons." A copy of Lott's written testimony is available here....
Testimony before the Maryland State Senate Judiciary Committee opposing creating gun-free zones in the state. Dr. John Lott testified before the Maryland State Senate Judiciary Committee's hearing on SB 1, which would turn the state into a gun-free zone. A copy of Lott's written testimony is available here. (Tuesday, February 7,...
Testimony before the Maryland State Senate Judiciary Committee on SB1
Dr. John Lott was invited by state Senator Michael McKay to testify before the Maryland State Senate Judiciary Committee on SB1. A copy of Dr. Lott’s testimony is available here.
Testimony before the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary on Gun Control Dr. John Lott testified before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security for a hearing titled “Examining Uvalde: The Search for Bipartisan Solutions to Gun Violence." They discussed different gun...
Testimony today before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, Committee on the Judiciary of the United States House of Representatives
They will discuss different gun control laws to stop mass public shootings. A copy of Dr. John Lott's testimony is available here.
Worth watching: CPRC’s Testimony before Connecticut’s Joint Assembly and Senate Judiciary Committee on legislation expanding gun-free zones and the state’s assault weapons ban On Monday, March 14th, Dr. John Lott testified for 47 minutes before Connecticut's Joint Assembly and Senate Judiciary Committee on several gun control bills (primarily SB 16, HB 5416, and HB 5397). A copy of Lott's written...
Testimony before the Indiana state Senate on Constitutional Carry Dr. John Lott was invited by state Senators Aaron Freeman and Jim Tomes to testify before the Indiana state Senate for a hearing on Constitutional Carry. An op-ed related to Lott's testimony is available here and other...
California Federal Judge Strikes Down California’s Assault Weapons Ban, Case that Dr. Lott was the expert for the plaintiff
In the case Miller v. Bonta, Dr. John Lott served as the expert for the plaintiff. The State of California had several statistical experts on their side: John Donohue, Louis Klarevas, and Lucy Allen. Federal Judge Benitez is quite unimpressed with the state's experts,...