Here is a video that we put together four years ago. Over the years, Hollywood producers and writers have made it clear that they view their job as pushing gun control. We have long collected examples of television show...
television show media bias on guns
Educational: TV Police Show Bias: FBI International shows the IRA using machine guns in London As the Crime Prevention Research Center has often pointed out, television crime shows seem to think criminals constantly use machine guns to commit crime. Unfortunately, CBS's FBI International is no different (Season...
TV Media bias: Police Officer in ABC’s The Rookie berates and then fires a young woman for having a permitted concealed handgun for protection. Implies that only the police should have guns in the home. Television show bias against guns is never-ending. Except for a couple of episodes on Paramount’s Yellowstone, you won’t see an entertainment television show with a civilian successfully using a gun defensively....
TV Police Show Bias: ABC’s Will Trent shows a machine gun used to Try Stopping a Witness talking to Police As the Crime Prevention Research Center has often pointed out, television crime shows seem to think criminals constantly use machine guns to commit crime. Unfortunately, ABC's’ Will Trent is no different (Season 2, Episode...
More TV Police Show Bias: ABC’s The Rookie shows machine guns being used to Stop an Arrest As the Crime Prevention Research Center has often pointed out, television crime shows seem to think criminals constantly use machine guns to commit crime. Unfortunately, ABC's’ The Rookie is no different (Season 6, Episode...
Media Bias on TV Police Shows: CBS’ FBI Most Wanted, Criminals Using Machine Guns to Commit an Art Robbery As the Crime Prevention Research Center has often pointed out, television crime shows seem to think criminals constantly use machine guns to commit crime. Unfortunately, CBS’ FBI Most Wanted is no different (Season 5 Episode...
More TV Police Shows Bias on Guns: CBS’s S.W.A.T. shows environmentalist terrorists using machine guns In real life, criminals generally use machine guns so rarely that a 2016 survey of prison inmates only broke down the numbers for uses in crime of handguns (11.2%), rifles (0.8%), and shotguns (1.1%). There are few...
More TV Police Shows Bias on Guns: CBS’s S.W.A.T. shows more criminals using machine guns In real life, criminals generally use machine guns so rarely that a 2016 survey of prison inmates only broke down the numbers for uses in crime of handguns (11.2%), rifles (0.8%), and shotguns (1.1%). There are few...
More TV Police Shows Bias on Guns: Yet CBS’s Blue Bloods shows more criminals using machine guns In real life, criminals generally use machine guns so rarely that a 2016 survey of prison inmates only broke down the numbers for uses in crime of handguns (11.2%), rifles (0.8%), and shotguns (1.1%). There are few rifles,...
Media Bias on TV Police Shows: Using Machine Guns to Commit a Robbery As the Crime Prevention Research Center has often pointed out, television crime shows seem to think criminals constantly use machine guns to commit crime. Unfortunately, CBS’ SWAT is no different (Season 7 Episode 9, April...
Media Bias on TV Police Shows: Lots of Criminals Using Machine Guns to Commit a Robbery As the Crime Prevention Research Center has often pointed out, television crime shows seem to think criminals constantly use machine guns to commit crime. Unfortunately, CBS’ FBI is no different (Season 6 Episode 9, April...
Media Bias on TV Police Shows: Lots of Drug Dealers Using Machine Guns to Fight Law Enforcement In real life, criminals generally use machine guns so rarely that a 2016 survey of prison inmates only broke down the numbers for uses in crime of handguns (11.2%), rifles (0.8%), and shotguns (1.1%). There are few rifles,...