Dr. John Lott taught two classes on statistics at Lake Forest College on January 23rd. While the lectures weren’t recorded, the PowerPoint of Lott’s lecture is available here. Here is an audio of the lecture for the first class that Lott gave. (Tuesday, January 23,...
Debate on the Second Amendment at the University of Wisconsin – Madison
Dr. John Lott debated Sandy Levinson from UT-Austin Law School at the Fluno Center Main Auditorium at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on the topic: “Was the Second Amendment a Mistake or a Success?" This was one of those rare exceptions where someone is willing to...
Video of Lecture at Lake Forest College on Gun Control
https://youtu.be/CwyJ7b3UkAI Dr. John Lott taught two classes on gun control at Lake Forest College on March 5th. This is a follow-up to his lecture on statistics on January 23rd. The PowerPoint of Lott’s lecture is available here (excluding the videos). A video...
Testimony before the Ecuadorian Congress on legislation for people to carry concealed handguns
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kxs8CjPZTPA Most of the Video is in Spanish Dr. John Lott testified before the Ecuadorian Congress’ Committee on Sovereignty, Integration, and Comprehensive Security regarding legislation to make it easier for people to carry concealed...
Meeting with the Head of Ecuador’s National Electoral Council, Shiram Diana Atamaint Wamputsar
Dr. John Lott meeting with the head of Ecuador's National Electoral Council, Shiram Diana Atamaint Wamputsar. The meeting was set up because of the large amount of research that Lott has done on rules to prevent vote fraud and measuring vote fraud (here and here)....
Talk to the First Class of Police Officers at the University of Citizen Security and Police Sciences
Dr. John Lott spoke to the first university class of police officers in Ecuador. Ecuador has created the University of Citizen Security and Police Sciences. After graduation, the students will come out as lieutenants. Lott spoke on the importance of police officers...
Visiting Ecuador’s Ministry of Government
Dr. John Lott is in Ecuador, and on Monday, he met with the Minister of the Ministry of Government, Esteban Torres, for more than an hour. It was a very productive discussion about crime and gun control, with Ecuador battling drug cartels and considering legislation...
Teaching Classes on Statistics at Lake Forest College
Dr. John Lott taught two classes on statistics at Lake Forest College on January 23rd. While the lectures weren't recorded, the PowerPoint of Lott's lecture is available here. Here are pictures of the students in the two classes and the young woman who organized the...
Listen to Talk at Tufts University on How Gun Control Laws Discriminate Against Minorities and the Poor
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc85xTZIjtU On October 24th, Dr. John Lott gave a talk at Tufts University to their Federalist Society. The talk was on gun control laws that discriminate against minorities and the poor. The audio is available here.
On Constituting America: Should a Governor Issue an Executive Order to Restrict People’s Ability to Carry Guns for Protection?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIMdBmpZwtI Last month, the governor of New Mexico issued a temporary public health order restricting the carrying of firearms in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. The bipartisan pushback against this order was swift, and she later...
Talk at Tufts University on October 24th
Dr. John Lott will give a talk at Tufts University on October 24th at 6:30 PM
Talk from the Gun Rights Policy Conference: More Gun Control Myths
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RJrqey0d3I We will soon put up the video from the talk. A copy of the PowerPoint is available here, but the slides are also shown below.