From the Jackson County Floridian: Witnesses, from left, Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin; Ronald S. Sullivan, Jr., Clinical Professor of Law, Director of the Criminal Justice Institute, Harvard Law School; David LaBahn, Association of Prosecuting Attorneys...
Stand Your Ground
Chicago Tribune opinion piece for Tuesday’s Senate hearing: “In defense of stand your ground laws”
John Lott's piece at the Chicago Tribune coincides with the Senate hearing on Stand Your Ground laws tomorrow. The article starts this way: As Sen. Dick Durbin's (D-Ill.) Judiciary subcommittee hears testimony on "stand your ground" laws Tuesday, charges of racial...
Testimony before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Stand Your Ground Laws
Tomorrow at 10 AM the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights will hold a hearing on Stand Your Ground laws. A copy of my testimony is available here. From the Chicago Sun-Times: Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) will chair a hearing...
So are blacks discriminated against when relying on Stand Your Ground laws?
Here is a case that the liberal point to in arguing against Stand Your Ground laws. To me, assuming that the facts are accurate, it certainly looks like Marissa behaved properly and I have stated that before in interviews. From On Aug. 1, 2010, Marissa...
C-SPAN Washington Journal: Stand Your Ground Laws
John Lott and Jon Lowy discussed “stand your ground” laws in states throughout the nation, the Castle Doctrine, and what the impact of such laws has been. They also reacted to a video clip of President Obama’s statement the previous day about the George...