Unless you watch the news closely you likely missed the news that a day ago there was a very deadly mass public school shooting in Crimea. It will probably be another day or so until there is a good idea how many people were killed by eighteen-year-old Vladislav...
School Shootings
At The Hill: Let’s save lives by putting more guns in the hands of teachers
Dr. John Lott has a new piece up at The Hill that starts this way: The polls indicate that Americans support more gun control right now, but are also very skeptical that more gun control will reduce violence or mass public shootings. We typically see such increased...
UPDATED: Surveys on Teachers and Staff Carrying Guns show surprising support
With teachers and staff carrying concealed handguns in certain school districts within 18 states, much of the country has gotten used to the idea. In the aftermath of the Florida high school shooting, a couple of surveys have been done on Americans' views on...
UPDATED: Accidental shootings on K-12 and University property by permit holders
We know of seven cases: two involving a teacher at an elementary school (though in one of these cases the teacher was carrying the gun illegally) and the other six at colleges and universities around the country. These relatively minor and rare cases are consistent...
CPRC in the Austin (Texas) Statesman: “Open Carry versus Campus Carry: what should be the priority”
John Lott's piece in the Austin (Texas) Statesman's is as follows: With well over 700,000 concealed handgun permit holders in Texas, there is a good chance that someone next you in a grocery store or restaurant is carrying a concealed handgun. But some are only...
Greg Gutfeld mentions John Lott’s work in discussing Bloomberg’s false 74 school shootings since Sandy Hook claim
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com Bloomberg's cases involve shootings near a school and a large percentage are gang shootings after hours. While gang fights over drug turf are an important problem, they are a very different issue with different solutions...
CPRC at Fox News: “Bloomberg’s latest stats on school gun violence ignore reality”
John Lott's newest piece at Fox News starts this way: Are schools and colleges dangerous places, with lots of gun violence? Some groups paint a picture of these places being particularly unsafe. Supposedly both murders and firearm suicides are very common at...