This letter wasn’t published, but it was sent to the Boston Globe after an op-ed by Comedy Central's Jordan Klepper claiming support for background checks on private sales of guns. The piece also makes bizarre attacks on gun owner's “masculinity." Dear Letters...
Fact Checking Bias
In the Wall Street Journal on how law-abiding concealed handgun permit holders are
The Wall Street Journal ran a lead letter that extensively discussed the Crime Prevention Research Center's work. The letter appeared as follows: Regarding James P. O’Neill and Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s “Don’t Mess With New York’s Gun Laws” (op-ed, March 24): The authors...
The New York Times’ false claims about what the public and their selective experts think about gun control
On January 10, 2017, the New York Times had an article claiming that both the public and their selective experts favored more gun control. From their article: The academics in our panel — many of the country’s best empirical researchers on gun policy — were far more...
CPRC Response to Washington Post article on guns in statehouse buildings
As we have previously discussed, the Associated Press used our research on state capitols that allow people to carry firearms. Here is the letter that we sent into the Washington Post: Dear Letters Editor: Your article grossly exaggerates the risks of concealed...
The New York Times yet again as a Fake News Site: Citing false information from the Violence Policy Center
Once again the New York Times is citing bogus data from the Violence Policy Center (VPC) (January 12, 2017). The grim truth is that concealed-carry permit holders are rarely involved in stopping crime. But people with permits have been responsible for more than 900...
Is Politifact really the organization that should be fact checking Facebook on gun related facts?
If gun control advocates were more confident with their arguments, presumably they wouldn't have to so grossly exaggerate their numbers. On December 27th, 2016 Politifact evaluated this claim that there are 7 children a day who die from guns, and Politifact's Chris...
CPRC at Fox News: “The real truth about Facebook’s ‘fake news’ filters”
Dr. John Lott as another piece at Fox News on some of the false statements that fact checkers have made about guns, crime, taxes, and vote fraud. To protect Americans against “fake” news, Facebook will now use filters so that only “reputable” articles can appear at...
CPRC in the Washington Post: “There is no particular risk in allowing concealed carry on campus”
Dr. John Lott had a letter in the Washington Post responding to a piece in the previous Sunday's paper by Daniel Webster and Ronald Daniels. The letter is as follows: In their Oct. 23 Sunday Opinion essay, “Guns on campus only invite tragedies,” Daniel Webster and...
Letter sent to New York Times regarding New Center for American Progress Claiming that Gun Laws Reduce Crime
This letter wasn't published, but it was sent to the New York Times after their article on a new Center for American Progress Claiming that gun laws reduce crime. Dear Letters Editor: The Times incorrectly describes a study as showing that gun control laws reduce...
New York Times doesn’t care about accurately describing academic research
The New York Times is well know for its bias, but here is yet another example of the Times making a claim that is clearly false. In an article titled "Rarity of Tulsa Shooting: Female Officers Are Almost Never Involved," they claim: Research on the subject has ranged...
CPRC in the Los Angeles Times: Yes, gun-free zones are targets — and research proves it
Dr. John Lott had a letter to the editor in the Los Angeles Times responding to an error filled op-ed by gun control advocates Evan DeFilippis and Devin Hughes, who appear to be part of the Bloomberg funded gun control network. To the editor: Evan DeFilippis’ and...
Correcting Another New York Times’ oped: “Gun Control That Actually Works”
Dear Letters Editor: Alan Berlow quotes one person who isn’t worried about gun registration leading to confiscation ("Gun Control That Actually Works,” May 31). But this isn’t very assuring. In 2013, New York City used registration lists to confiscate guns. ...