This is a revised, updated version of a post originally written on April 21, 2015. We have most seriously updated this list starting at the beginning of 2020. UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh wrote in the Washington Post on April 20, 2015: "Have civilians with...
Concealed Handguns Stopped Mass Public Shooting
Concealed Handgun permit holder stops mass public shooter at a mall in El Paso, Texas
A permit holder stopped a shooter who had shot four people and threatened others. Interestingly, many initial news reports had credited an off-duty police officer with stopping the attack (also here). The suspect apparently had a stolen gun. Police in El Paso,...
A plurality of Americans believe that armed citizens are the best way to protect you and your family in the case of a mass shooting
A new Trafalgar Group survey of 1,078 likely general election voters from July 7th to 10th, 2022, shows they believe that armed citizens are much more effective in protecting people in a mass shooting than local police or federal agents. While Democrats are much less...
At Newsweek: Indianapolis Just Latest Time a Good Guy with a Gun Stopped a Mass Shooting
Dr. John Lott has a new piece up at Newsweek on the mass public shooting attack in Indianapolis that was stopped by a concealed handgun permit holder. . In Indianapolis on Sunday, a law-abiding citizen carrying a concealed handgun stopped another mass public shooting....
UPDATE: Mass Public Shooting at Indianapolis Mall Stopped by 22-year-old man legally carrying a gun
UPDATE: From "While police are crediting an Indiana man with shooting and killing a suspect in the Greenwood Park Mall shooting Sunday, mall policy prohibited him from carrying at all. . . . 'The real hero of the day was the citizen that was lawfully...
Mass Public Shooting averted: Woman fatally shoots a man armed with an AR-15 type gun who began shooting at a crowd of people in Charleston, West Virginia
Cases like this just don't get national news. Here a man with "an extensive criminal history" started firing an "AR-15 style firearm" into a crowd. Fortunately, a woman who was legally carrying a gun was there to stop the attack. Police said a woman who was lawfully...
Active shooter stopped by legally armed Citizens
More examples of mass public shootings that were stopped by citizens legally carrying concealed handguns are available here. South Fulton, Georgia: . . . Meadows said the men involved in the shootout with Hambrick have been...
Grain complex worker stops active shooter using shotgun
This case occurred in South Central Nebraska on October 22, 2021. A man fired from a south central Nebraska grain complex Thursday returned to the facility and started shooting at his former colleagues killing two, and injuring another according to the Nebraska State...
Concealed handgun permit holder stops gunfight in Lancaster, Pennsylvania Mall
This past Sunday, four people were injured after a fight between two teenagers at Lancaster’s Park City Center Mall escalated into a shooting this past weekend. A 16-year-old who was illegally carrying a gun started the shooting. But it could have been much worse were...
Mass public shooting stopped by concealed handgun permit holder in Chicago
Chicago, Illinois, July 4th, 2021 It seems likely that if the concealed handgun permit holder hadn't intervened in this case there would have been at least three deaths instead of just the one woman. There were obviously other people present, so who knows how many...
What clearly would have been a mass public shooting in Louisiana was stopped by multiple armed civilians
Having murdered two people and wounded a couple of others, it is clear that the attacker intended to kill as many people as possible. The quick response by people with concealed handgun permits stopped the attack. A person entered a gun store and shooting range in a...
Concealed Handgun Permit Holder Stops Mass Public Shooting in Brownsburg, Indiana
Here is another example where police have said that if it wasn't for the presence of a legal concealed handgun permit holder many others could have been killed. Fortunately, one of the people wounded in the shooting had a permitted concealed handgun and was able to...