Rasmussen Reports has a new national survey of 1,000 American Adults on August 21-22, 2022, showing that by a 49%-to-37% margin, Americans support armed teachers to stop school shootings. This is a significant change from their February 28, 2018 survey, where...
concealed handguns allowed on school property
Mississippi Public Schools may now allow teachers to carry firearms at school, Pennsylvania Republican Gubernatorial nominee supports allowing public school staff to carry concealed handguns
"A school district may, in its discretion, prohibit or allow its employees who hold enhanced conceal carry licenses to possess weapons at the school," Jean Cook, director of communication for the Mississippi Department of Education said in a statement. Bradford Betz,...
Survey: Most Americans Favor Giving Schoolteachers and Administrators the Option of Being Armed at School
A new YouGov survey of 1,500 U.S. adult citizens was conducted from May 28th to 31st. The survey has some interesting results regarding whether people favor arming teachers (pp. 134-5). All Americans except for Democrats, liberals, and blacks favor arming teachers and...
Yet another School Shooting in yet another School that bans teachers/staff from being able to carry concealed handguns
An attack at the Timberview High School in Arlington, Texas left four people injured. The attack appeared to be different than the typical school shooting that gets news coverage in that it probably involved some type of gang activity. The attacker, Timothy George...
Armed teacher stops attempted kidnapping in Utah
Any teacher in Utah with a concealed handgun permit is able to carry their permitted concealed handgun at school. In this case, a teacher first protected an 11-year-old that this unrelated stranger tried to grab off a school playground and then protected the class of...
Major New Research on School Safety: Schools that Allow Teachers to Carry Guns haven’t seen school shootings during school hours
Schools that Allow Teachers to Carry Guns are Extremely Safe: Data on the Rate of Shootings and Accidents in Schools that allow Teachers to Carry Abstract After the Columbine school shooting 20 years ago, one of the more significant changes in how we protect students...
Twelve States Mandate People can Carry Guns on College Campuses, 23 states leave it up to individual schools
(Click on Figure to Enlarge) On Thursday, May 4th, 2017, Georgia became the 12th state to mandate that public universities allow people to carry guns on campus. Following Arkansas, Georgia was the second state to pass campus carry in 2017. Ten other states have done...
Why we should have armed teachers
Should teachers and staff at schools be armed? John Stossel and producer Maxim Lott made a video analyzing that question, and used CPRC research to do so. More information on concealed handguns at schools is available here. There are a couple of nitpicking points to...
At Penn Live: Here’s what Pa. can do to stop the next school shooting
Dr. John Lott has a new op-ed piece at Penn Live (the PA Media Group, including the Harrisburg Patriot-News newspaper). His piece starts this way: Instead of solving the problem of violence in their halls, Pennsylvania schools are becoming a national punchline. This...
At The Hill: Let’s save lives by putting more guns in the hands of teachers
Dr. John Lott has a new piece up at The Hill that starts this way: The polls indicate that Americans support more gun control right now, but are also very skeptical that more gun control will reduce violence or mass public shootings. We typically see such increased...
UPDATED: Surveys on Teachers and Staff Carrying Guns show surprising support
With teachers and staff carrying concealed handguns in certain school districts within 18 states, much of the country has gotten used to the idea. In the aftermath of the Florida high school shooting, a couple of surveys have been done on Americans' views on...
When teachers have been given a chance to learn how to carry a concealed handgun, many have jumped at the chance
Three or four teachers and staff carrying at schools would probably be enough to protect most schools. Time after time comments are made that teachers are just unwilling to carry. Yet, every time free classes are offered for teachers, more want to take the classes...