concealed carry

At Fox New: At Fox News: More Americans legally carrying guns despite slowest increase in CCW permits on record. Number of concealed carry weapon permits continues upward trend despite nearly half of states enacting ‘constitutional carry’ laws.

At Fox New: At Fox News: More Americans legally carrying guns despite slowest increase in CCW permits on record. Number of concealed carry weapon permits continues upward trend despite nearly half of states enacting ‘constitutional carry’ laws.

The Crime Prevention Research Center's latest annual report on concealed handgun permits was covered extensively at Fox News today. Concealed carry permits have increased by 2.3% in 2022 compared to last year, despite nearly half of U.S. states enacting what have been...

NYPD finally adopts concealed handgun permit rules to get in step with the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision: Hint, it will be hard to obtain, you will wait a long time to get it, and you can’t really use it anywhere

NYPD finally adopts concealed handgun permit rules to get in step with the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision: Hint, it will be hard to obtain, you will wait a long time to get it, and you can’t really use it anywhere

The fees to get a concealed handgun permit in New York City will still be extremely high. We went on their website on Wednesday, August 24th, after they had issued their new concealed handgun regulations, and the fee for handgun licenses is still $340 for the initial...

