Rasmussen Reports surveyed likely voters in 2020 and 2024 to determine whether they thought Republicans or Democrats had done the most for blacks. In May 2020, only 18% of blacks thought that Republicans had done the most, but that increased to 32% in May 2024. Large...
Claims of racism
Breaking down Mass Public Shooting data from 1998 through May 2022: Info on weapons used; gun-free zones; racial, age, and gender demographics
The Excel file with detailed information on the 88 mass public shootings from 1998 through May 15, 2022 is available here. With all the discussion about having another assault weapon ban, only 14% of mass public shootings are done solely with any type of rifle....
CPRC’s work discussed in Real Clear Investigations “The ADL Murder Report That Cried ‘White Supremacist'”
A new investigative report by James Varney at Real Clear Investigations worked closely with the CPRC's John Lott and Carl Moody on whether the Anti-Defamation League's claims about White Supremacists being a significant threat is accurate. The ADL also claims that...
Like the New Zealand and El Paso Shooters, the Buffalo Mass Public Shooter was another environmentalist extremist who worried about the damage that minorities did to the environment
Like the New Zealand and El Paso mass public shooters, the Buffalo mass public shooter had very similar views. He was an environmentalist who hated free trade and capitalists and a socialist. Like them he called himself a racial autonomist. The media of course keeps...
The continual emphasis on crimes by white nationalists at CBS’s SWAT
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYCEDGM2joE In this episode of CBS’s SWAT (S4 E9 Feb 17, 2021), the team is morning the death of one of their members from an “armor piercing round” fired by a white supremacist. They also discover that the white supremacists are in...
Racist Law Enforcement Everywhere on Entertainment TV, going all in on systemic racism
Here are just a few of the clips from CBS's Clarice and SWAT, ABC's The Rookie, and NBC's Law & Order Organized Crime from this year. The theme over and over again on these shows is that large numbers of police and FBI agents are racist. Entertainment television...
CBS’ SWAT, yet more machine gun wielding white supremacists
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXWLjI5S6AM Despite the image provided by CBS’ shows such as SWAT, it grossly exaggerates the mass public shootings by white supremacists and absurdly implies that these attacks involve machine guns. As the Crime...
What Percent of Mass Public Shooters are White Supremacists?
The news media and entertainment television keep pushing the notion that most mass public shootings are done by white supremacists. Who is a white supremacist is actually fairly difficult to determine because many of the classifications are based on solely whether the...
UPDATE: The false narrative of white supremacists doing mass public shootings: Racial, Gender, Religious and Political views of these killers from 1998 through March 2021
Entertainment television continually provides a false impression of those who commit mass public shootings and how they commit them. Show after show has mass public shootings involving machine guns, though that never happens. But another myth is that attacks are...
The continual emphasis on crimes by white nationalists at CBS, plans for another mass public shooting
In this episode of CBS's SWAT (S4 E9 Feb 17 2021), the team is morning the death of one of their members from an "armor piercing round" fired by a white supremacist. They also discover that the white supremacists are in training for another mass public shooting. Of...
Yet another CBS Television Show Concerns about White Supremacists Engaging in Gun Violence
CBS's NCIS LA (S12 E10, February 14, 2021) has the left wing activists changing their plans for peaceful demonstrations against police violence because of threatened violence by white supremacists (who also happen to be police officers during their day jobs).
At Real Clear Politics: TV Shows Push Gun Control Myths — in Sync With Biden
Dr. John Lott has a new piece on media bias at Real Clear Politics. Last week, the Biden administration promised gun control groups that it will soon roll out a massive push for limits on firearm purchases and other measures. President Biden reiterated that promise on...