The U.S. employs two distinct measures of crime. The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting program counts the number of crimes reported to police annually. The Bureau of Justice Statistics, in its National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), asks...
Original Research
The Collapse in Law Enforcement: As Arrest Rates Plummet, People Have Been Less Willing to Report Crime
The American news media has been working overtime to convince people that violent crime is dramatically falling. Here are typical headlines from ABC News and NPR. "US stats show violent crime dramatically falling, so why is there a rising clash with perception? 'I...
Percent of Violent Crime Not Involving Guns Falls Slightly, Averages 92.1% Over Last Eight Years
Over the eight years from 2015 to 2022, 92.1% of violent crime over that period of time didn't involve guns. Violent crime is much broader than firearms. Despite President Biden continually referring to violent crime as a gun problem, that is clearly not the case....
Artificial Intelligence Chatbots Biases on Crime, Policing, and Gun Control
Apple is reportedly talking to Google about integrating its Artificial Intelligence program, Gemini, into iPhones. In another report from the Media Research Center, Google has biased news searches that “interfered” with 41 elections over the last 16 years, and the...
CPRC puts in Amicus brief in 9th Circuit case Banning Concealed Carry in Most of California
The Crime Prevention Research Association joined with the Peace Officers Research Association of California, the California State Sheriffs’ Association, and the California Association of Highway Patrolmen in an Amicus brief on California's new law designating almost...
Did Tennessee’s 2016 Law that Allowed People to Store Guns in Vehicles Increase the Number of Stolen Guns?
Here is the claim from News Channel 5 in Nashville. . . . it was dubbed the "guns in trunks" bill. That law specified that the firearm needed to be "kept from ordinary observation and locked within the trunk, glove box, or interior of the person's motor vehicle or a...
UPDATE: With all the concern about assault weapons, how has the share of murders with rifles changed over time?
August 12, 2023 With all the concern about assault weapons since the federal ban sunset in 2004, it is interesting to see what a small share of murders are committed with any type of rifle and how even that share has fallen over time. The percentage of firearm murders...
Updated information on Mass Public Shootings from 1998 through October 2023
When another shooting happens at a place such as a school or a mall, politicians and the media are apt to claim that many hundreds of mass shootings occur each year. “Over the last year since Uvalde, our country has experienced a staggering 650 mass shootings,”...
Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2023
A copy of our newest report is available here (please download). Copies of our annual reports from 2014 through 2022 are available here. Abstract Despite the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen affirming a...
Testimony before the US Commission on Civil Rights on Racial Disparities in Violent Crime Victimization in the United States. A lively discussion ensued as Lott was the only witness attacked by the Commissioners and other witnesses. Dr. John Lott testified before the US Civil Rights Commission on federal efforts to gather data on racial and ethnic disparities. He was on Panel 4: Researcher & Policy Experts. Dr. Lott was the only person on...
Vice President Kamala Harris falsely claims: “Muslims in America and those perceived to be Muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate fueled attacks.”
In setting up “the first ever US National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia,” the Biden administration has again focused on hate crimes against Muslims despite the rise this year in hate crimes against Jews. How accurate is Vice President Kamala Harris’ claim: “Muslims...
Here is a copy of the Amicus brief that the Crime Prevention Research Center has submitted in the case of United States v. Rahimi is available here. Abstract If people who are subject to a civil restraining order are dangerous, prohibiting them from possessing...