Gun control advocates usually don’t call for banning all guns even though that has been obvious to everyone else, but at least they aren’t hiding what they want anymore. The fact that they are pointing to Australia as an example where guns have been banned is...
Gun Control Advocates
Correspondence with 12 Gun-Control Advocates regarding Bet on Brazil’s Firearm Ban
Dr. John Lott contacted 12 prominent gun-control advocate academics, and he offered a $1,000 bet on if Brazil’s homicide rate would go up or down during the first two years of the bans that President Lula has implemented. Here are the records of the correspondence...
UPDATE: Michael Bloomberg’s Groups Blame John Lott for Mass Public Shootings in the United States
ORIGINAL POST February 16, 2023: Here are several Tweets by The Trace (February 14, 2023) (also here from January 22, 2023) and one of their employees who say Dr. John Lott in a "major reason" for mass public shootings. Lott responded to The Trace's tweet by...
Fox News: Oregon Dems silence crime expert as they push gun control bill: ‘What are they afraid of?’
Dr. John Lott recently went to Oregon to testify before their state Senate about SB 348, which would amend Measure 114, which barely passed this past November. The Democrats wouldn't allow Lott to testify in the invited session, despite Lott being the only expert...
Executive Director of Connecticut Against Gun Violence: “We don’t know if any of our laws in the state of Connecticut work to reduce the crime as they are intended. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t pass this law. That is true around the country.”
Somehow this Connecticut Against Gun Violence executive director doesn’t seem to realize that you look at other places that have these laws to see if there is evidence that they work. Senator: So you don’t know if it works?Jeremy Stein: We don’t know if any of our...
California’s Mass Public Shooting rate is much higher than Texas’ or the rest of the United States
-- “Compared to citizens of other states, Californians are about 25% less likely to die in mass shootings. Between 2019 and 2021, the state’s annual mass shooting homicide rate of 1.4 per one million people was lower than the national average of 1.9.” A report by...
Responses to GVPedia Errors regarding Lott’s December 15th, 2022 House Judiciary Committee Testimony Devin Hughes has written up a response to Dr. John Lott's testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Uvalde mass murder. Hughes represents the gun control organization he founded, GVPedia....
Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) wants to defund police who don’t enforce the gun control laws that he likes Immediately before the election, Democrats wanted to disown the notion of defunding the police. Well, it is back again. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) raises the issue of enforcing the types of gun control laws that he...
Liberal dark money network quietly recruits social media influencers to push ‘narrative that guns make us less safe’
The MacArthur Foundation, Joyce Foundation, Sixteen Thirty, Windward, and Hopewell funds are providing money to push the message that gun ownership makes people less safe. From Fox News: A left-wing group aiming to shift public opinion against firearms quietly...
Since 2019, Congress put $75 million into gun control research
lawmakers in Washington have set aside roughly $75 million since 2019 for the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to research gun violence.Ramsey Touchberry, "Congress pours $75M into gun research such as whether community...
Gun Control Advocates denounce ‘Good Samaritan’ Who Saved Indiana Mall Goers as No Hero
The head of Mike Bloomberg's Moms Demand Action group, Shannon R Watts, took to Twitter about eight hours after Elisjsha Dicken stopped a mass public shooter within two minutes after it started. Rather than running away from the gunfire, Dicken heroically ran to it....
The Lawyers who won the Landmark Supreme Court victory protecting the Second Amendment were told to no longer do such cases or leave their law firm
After the 2020 presidential election, President Trump found that all the best lawyers were forced to not take the cases because their firms gave them the ultimatum: withdraw from representing Trump or withdraw from the firm. Apparently, because they represented...