Other types of crime statistics, including the National Crime Victimization Survey, show current levels of violent crime far lower than their peaks in the early 1990s. . . . Louis Jacobson, "Joe Biden is correct that violent crime is near a 50-year low,"...
Results for "Politifact"
CPRC in the News: Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union-Tribune, Politifact, Epoch Times, Real Clear Politics, and much more
U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez on June 4 issued a permanent injunction against enforcement of much of California’s ban on purchasing assault rifles. State Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta has appealed the Benitez ruling, saying the state’s “strong common sense gun...
Politifact’s continued biased and flawed evaluations about gun control: France had a higher casualty rate in one year than the entire 8 years of Barack Obama
Politifact's Jon Greenberg claims: "NRA's Loesch cherry-picks terrorism deaths in France to argue against assault weapon ban." They rate the claim as "mostly false." On ABC News’ This Week Dana Loesch had this to say: Loesch: "France had a higher casualty rate in...
Politifact’s continued biased and flawed evaluations of gun control: Questioning the claim that police are convicted at higher rates than permit holders
Politifact's Jon Greenberg claims: "Florida lawmaker repeats dodgy claim about crimes by cops vs. concealed permit holders." They rate the claim as "false." This is in response to our research "comparing conviction rates of police and permit holders." The Florida...
CPRC on several weeks of Steve Gruber’s Show discussing everything from how Politifact covers gun issues to the Ft Lauderdale attack to Constitutional Carry
Constitutional Carry on the rise in many states. What does Lott hope with a Trump presidency. (Tues. Jan 17, 2017 from 6:45 to 6:53 AM) "Ft Lauderdale Airport killer once again extensive interaction with mental health professionals failed to identify someone as a...
CPRC in the Orange County Register: Should Facebook be depending on [California] PolitiFact to filter ‘reputable’ articles?
Dr. John Lott had an op-ed in the Orange County Register on California Politifact's biases on the gun control issue. The piece started this way: . . . Take a couple of PolitiFact California’s two most recent evaluations concerning gun violence. • “Since the Sandy...
CPRC on the Larry Elder Show: On Politifact’s Claim that it is “Mostly True” that 7 “children” die a day from gun violence
Dr. John Lott appeared on the national Larry Elder Show to discuss Politifact's Claim that it is "Mostly True" that 7 "children" die a day from gun violence. A detailed discussion and links on the points raised in interview are available here. (December 29, 2016 from...
CPRC in the News: Politifact, The Village Voice, Breitbart, and local newspapers across the country
Idaho State Journal (Pocatello, ID) Lead story, December 29, 2016 . . . In December 2012, 85,535 Idaho adults had concealed weapons permits, according to a report published by the Pennsylvania-based Crime Prevention Research Center. As of December 2016, 131,665 Idaho...
Is Politifact really the organization that should be fact checking Facebook on gun related facts?
If gun control advocates were more confident with their arguments, presumably they wouldn't have to so grossly exaggerate their numbers. On December 27th, 2016 Politifact evaluated this claim that there are 7 children a day who die from guns, and Politifact's Chris...
CPRC in the Washington Post and Politifact on Obama’s claims about the ease of teenagers getting guns
"We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book." — Barack Obama on Tuesday, July 12th, 2016 in a speech at a memorial service in Dallas Both Washington Post and...
CPRC in Politifact on which states have the most concealed handgun permits
From Politifact Florida: We interviewed John R. Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center which compiles data on gun permits in states. Lott, an academic and Fox News columnist, published the book More Guns, Less Crime through the University of Chicago...
At the Missoulian: How Montana’s vote could shape our future
Dr. John Lott has a new op-ed piece at The Missoulian. . Montana may determine whether Democrats radically transform the United States. . Should voter IDs be banned? . Restore voting rights to felons convicted of violent crimes like murder and rape? . That illegal...