Students, reporters, and researchers already rely heavily on AI Chatbot programs to help write term papers, media reports, and research papers. Influencers on social media cite AI Chatbots (e.g., Ed Krassenstein who has a million followers on X). Fifteen AI Chatbots...
Crime Prevention
Research Center
Dedicated to conducting academic quality research on the relationship between laws regulating the ownership or use of guns, crime, and public safety
Latest Research
A Historical Comparison of the Collapse of Law Enforcement in US Cities. The Drop in Arrest Rates over the Last Few Years is Unprecedented.
The drop in arrest rates over the last few years from 2020 to 2022 is without precedent, and that is particularly true for the largest cities. For cities with over 1 million people, the average arrest rate for reported violent crime fell from an average of 41% in the...
The Latest Research
Get our latest research on crime sent straight to you. Find out what law enforcement and gun ownership policies will make people safer
Latest Columns
At The Federalist: CDC, FBI Working To Hide Data Showing Shootings Stopped By Good Guys With Guns
Dr. John Lott has a new piece at The Federalist. For years, gun control activists have sought to “debunk” the so called “good guy with a gun myth” in an effort to pass more stringent controls on one of our nation’s most cherished liberties. In...
At Real Clear Politics: Law Enforcement Collapse Masks Rising Crime Rates
Dr. John Lott has a new op-ed at Real Clear Politics. It was republished at The Daily Signal, The Center Square, The Highland County Press (Hillsboro, Ohio), Lone Star Live, The Ohio Star, The Herald Review (Sierra Vista, AZ), . Law enforcement in the United States...
At Townhall: Victim of Violent Crime: Why I Won’t Be Voting For Kamala Harris.
The CPRC's Nikki Goeser has a new piece at Townhall. . Kamala Harris supported the defund police movement. This movement caused real long-term damage by painting police with a broad brush as being racist and not deserving of respect. It was already a...
At the Federalist: Tim Walz Isn’t Just Lying About His Military Service, He’s Also Lying About Guns: Behind Tim Walz’s ‘Hunter’ Facade Is A Plan To Take Your Guns
Dr. John Lott has a new op-ed piece at The Federalist. The piece was the second most read piece on their website. , "I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt," Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz declared in 2018. "I've been voting for common sense legislation that...
At the New York Post: Democrats are hiding the rise in violent crime with tricky statistics
Dr. John Lott has a new op-ed piece at the New York Post. See also Real Clear Policy. . “Make no mistake, violent crime was up under Donald Trump,” Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz warned in his first speech as Kamala Harris’ running mate. . “If you look this up at...
At National Review: The Truth about the Crime Explosion: Misunderstanding what the crime statistics measure and hiding the rise in crime
Dr. John Lott has a new op-ed at National Review. . "The false message of the RNC was that [illegal immigration] was leading to an increase in crime.” Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg claimed on Fox News Sunday. “If you look this up at home, you will know...
Letter Submitted to the Washington Post: Responding to the Misleading Editorial Titled: “Crime rates are improving. Too bad crime data is not,” July 28, 2024
Dr. Lott submitted this letter to the Washington Post, but it wasn't published. Dear Editor: Your editorial leaves readers with the mistaken impression that crime has fallen (“Crime rates are improving. Too bad crime data is not,” July 28, 2024). Unlike the National...
At Real Clear Politics: Buttigieg’s Bold Crime Claim Doesn’t Hold Up
Dr. John Lott has a new op-ed at Real Clear Politics (also at ZeroHedge, July 31, 2024; The Ohio Star, August 1, 2024; Conservative News and Views, July 31, 2024; Captain Frank Sparrow, August 1, 2024 ). . “Crime went down under Biden and crime went up under Trump,”...
On Fact Vs. Fiction Panel at G.O.A.L.S. 2024 in Knoxville, TN Dr. John Lott was on the Fact Vs Fiction Panel at the Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit (G.O.A.L.S.) in Knoxville, TN with William Kirk, Shermichael Singleton, Anthony Miranda, Jared Yanis, and Braden Langley. (Saturday, August 17,...
CPRC’s Nikki Goeser speaks at GOALS 2024
CPRC's Senior Fellow Nikki Goeser speaks at Gun Owners of America about the language used by gun control advocates and how to argue against it (Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit 2024 in Knoxville, TN.). She discusses how gun control can result in more deaths....
Did Crime Decline under Biden?: Talk at G.O.A.L.S. 2024 in Knoxville, TN Dr. John Lott spoke at the Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit (G.O.A.L.S.) in Knoxville, TN on August 17th about the myth that crime rose under Trump and fell under Biden. The decline in reported crimes is a function of less...
Media Appearances
On Iowa’s KXEL: To Discuss Crime Statistics
Dr. John Lott appeared on Iowa’s giant 50,000-watt KXEL-AM radio station to discuss our research on the truth of the crime rates and law enforcement collapse over the last few years. See Dr. Lott's new op-ed piece at the New York Post titled "Democrats are hiding...
On The Kim Iversen Show: Democrats Caught LYING About Lower Crime Stats Dr. John Lott appeared on The Kim Iversen Show to discuss Democrats manipulating statistics to claim crime is down. The FBI has been finding fewer instances of crime, but people are simultaneously answering...
On America First with Sebastian Gorka: To Discuss Gun Control at Chicago DNC 2024 Dr. John Lott talked to the guest host Mark Davis on America First with Sebastian Gorka about the gun control topics that could be covered at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago and Kamala Harris's proposed gun...
All Our Posts
CPRC in the News: Breitbart, Townhall, Real Clear Politics, Bearing Arms, Athlon Outdoors, and more
In the op-ed, published by the New York Post, Lott explained that there are two ways of examining occurrences of violent crime: One is the measure of those crimes reported to police and the other is the measure of those crimes which were not reported. . . . AWR...
Coverage in the New York Post: “Trump warns cops in ‘more danger’ than ever from ‘Kamala’s crime wave,’ as he touts union endorsement”
Dr. Lott's held a press briefing on Friday on our work on the rise in crime over the last few years. Dr. John Lott, the president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, also shared startling statistics about the rise in unreported violent crimes during President...
At Breitbart: “Expert: Data Indicate Violent Crime Is Not Declining, It Is Just Not Being Reported”
Dr. John Lott participated in a press briefing on the crime data today with about 30 reporters on whether crime is increasing or decreasing. Below is the beginning of a news story from Breitbart on the presentation. CBS News also asked Lott a question, but they and...