Talk to the First Class of Police Officers at the University of Citizen Security and Police Sciences

Feb 20, 2024 | Talk

Dr. John Lott spoke to the first university class of police officers in Ecuador. Ecuador has created the University of Citizen Security and Police Sciences. After graduation, the students will come out as lieutenants. Lott spoke on the importance of police officers and their training and the importance of the police being armed (local police in Ecuador are not allowed to have guns, though the national police are armed). He also mentioned the importance of letting victims being able to defend themselves.





On The Larry Elder Show: Discussing Migrant Crime

On The Larry Elder Show: Discussing Migrant Crime

Dr. John Lott appeared on The Larry Elder Show to discuss the price of migrant crime. See also Dr. Lott's two pieces at The Daily Signal ("Crime Rate for Illegal Aliens Vastly Understated, Data Shows") and ("New Data on Migrant Crime Rates Raises Eyebrows, Alarms")....