At The Federalist: How Hollywood Uses TV Shows To Lie About Good Guys With Guns

Jan 19, 2023 | op-ed

Dr. John Lott has another piece at The Federalist.


When an armed robber barged into Ranchito #4 Taqueria on Jan. 4, almost every customer froze with fear. But one good Samaritan, an unnamed 46-year-old man, quickly jumped into action to protect everyone from the apparent threat. He used a concealed gun to shoot the robber and returned the stolen cash to the terrified patrons, only to discover that the gun used by the robber was a fake. The robber was later declared dead on the scene. 

Despite the customer’s heroic actions, he has received nothing but condemnation by the corporate media. Unfortunately, this media treatment is nothing new. Over the past few years, only a few good Samaritans have received any press despite the overwhelming number of these brave individuals jumping to action. 

In December, for example, a man stopped an active shooter at an Amazon warehouse parking lot in the Phoenix, Arizona area. The police called the man a “good Samaritan” and credit him with likely preventing further bloodshed. In another case later that same month, an active shooter at a Tucson, Arizona bar threatened many people but was “stopped short by a heroic customer with a gun.”


You may not hear about many of these stories outside of local media accounts, but they occur all the time. There are dozens of cases in recent years where holders of concealed handgun permits stopped what, according to police, would have otherwisebecome mass public shootings. 

These good Samaritans saving the day would make gripping stories, but we don’t see much news on these cases. Nationalentertainment television also fails to reveal the truth about these good Samaritans. For decades, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox have refused to feature even a single successful defensive gun use by a civilian. You would never know Americans successfully use guns defensively on average about 2 million times a year or that guns are used four to five times more frequently to stop crime than to commit them.


Entertainment programs always show defensive gun uses going wrong (the sole exception in the last decade is Paramount’sYellowstone). Often the citizen fails to defend himself and ends up murdered, accidentally shoots a loved one, or poses a danger to himself and the police. What is different this season is that after the Supreme Court decision this past June striking down New York’s restrictions on concealed handguns, the television shows have begun to demonize concealed carry permits.


Here are just a few examples from the 2022-23 television season so far:


ABC’s “The Rookie,” Jan. 3, 2023: Against the adamant advice of a police officer, a legally armed civilian intervenes in a bank robbery. Despite his good intentions, he only succeeds in getting himself and another civilian shot. To make matters worse, thearmed civilian’s intervention allows the bank robbers to escape. “Leave it to a good guy with a gun to really screw things up,” remarks the police officer. About 4.5 million viewers saw that episode.


CBS’s “FBI: Most Wanted,” Nov. 22, 2022: After a criminal bashes a person’s head with a rock in Central Park, a good Samaritan chases the criminal. The criminal shoots at the permit holder, who shoots back but misses and ends up severely wounding a female bystander. The FBI agent characterizes the permit holder as a “vigilante.” When the permit holder tells an FBI agent that the police need to do their job, the agent grabs the permit holder and exclaims: “We are, but it only gets harder with idiots like you playing cops and robbers!” Over 5.1 million people watched this episode.


NBC’s “Law & Order,” Nov. 6, 2022: In this episode, a woman pulls her permitted concealed handgun out and mistakenly threatens to shoot two people who were police officers. The police almost end up shooting her in self-defense, and thenarrest her “for pulling a gun on a cop.” They explain that despite her permit, she doesn’t know the rules for carrying a gun and that she is “lucky to be alive.” About 4 million saw this show.


CBS’s “Blue Bloods,” Oct. 28, 2022: When robbers try to take awoman’s $20,000 watch, she pulls out her permitted concealed handgun to protect herself. As a result, she is severely wounded by the robbers. Others who were robbed of their watches by the same criminals didn’t have guns and weren’t harmed. “Got the gun for protection… so much for that,” says the victim. Almost 5.8 million people viewed this show.


NBC’s “Chicago PD,” Oct. 5, 2022: At first, it appears that a civilian has successfully defended himself against a robbery. Later, it becomes clear that the “good Samaritan” was actually the lookout who had turned on his robbery crew. Just shy of 6 million people saw this.


CBS’ “FBI: Most Wanted,” Sept. 20, 2022: This episode has two different examples of defensive gun uses failing. In the first, a family is murdered before the father is able to get off a shot. “So much for a good guy with a gun,” an FBI agent remarks dismissively. This was seen by 5.3 million people.

There are many other episodes that who failed defensive gun uses, and these are just the ones involving people legally carrying outside of their homes.  None of this should be too surprising, as it is well-known that gun control groups are working with Hollywood writers and producers to introduce gun control themes into shows.


My organization, the Crime Prevention Research Center, has found a total of 360 active shooter incidents from 2014 to 2021. Of these, an armed citizen stopped 124 (more than a third). We are more confident of the completeness of our data in the most recent years, and 49% of active shooting cases in 2021 were stopped by armed civilians. When we exclude shootings in gun-free zones, the figure rises to 58%.


In not one of these 124 defensive gun uses did a permit holder accidentally shoot a bystander. Not once did a permit holder get in the way of the police. But anyone who watches entertainment television would have no clue that this is the case.


People can’t escape the political bias in television entertainment programs. The message from these shows is clear. Don’t use a gun for protection. If you do, it will cause much more harm than benefit. It is bad enough that news programs provide just one side of this debate. But the bias has a real impact on the gun control debate and prevents Americans from doing what keeps them safe.


John R. Lott, Jr., “How Hollywood Uses TV Shows To Lie About Good Guys With Guns,” The Federation, January 16, 2023.

Gun control advocates know that they need to use the TV to push their agenda.

UCLA law professor Adam Winkler, who specializes in gun law, says that “messaging about the danger of firearms can be effective in changing people’s attitudes about them.”

“One reason the NRA has been so successful over the last half century,” he continues, “is it has consistently pushed the narrative that guns are effective tools for self-defense. The data suggests otherwise. Actually, you’re in more danger if you have firearms in the home.” . . .

George Skelton, “How do you win voters over on gun control? Meet them where they are — in front of the TV,” Los Angeles Times, January 30, 2023.



