More state legislatures vote for Constitutional Carry: The Ohio State House votes 60-32, Pennsylvania House 107-92

Nov 18, 2021 | Gun Control Laws

With 21 states already enacting Constitutional Carry and the Pennsylvania state senate just voting overwhelmingly a week ago, this week the Ohio House passed their bill by 60-32 vote and the Pennsylvania House passed it 107-92. In Ohio, the vote was along straight party lines. The Pennsylvania vote saw eight Republicans opposing it and four Democrats supporting it. Ohio has a stronger probability of passing a bill this session because the Democrat governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, has promised to veto their bill.

UPDATED: December 15, 2021: “Senate Bill 215, known as a constitutional or permitless carry law, passed the Senate 23-7 Wednesday. Sen. Jerry Cirino, R-Kirtland, cast the lone Republican no vote.”


