CPRC in the News: Fox News, Townhall, American Thinker, and other places

Jun 21, 2020 | Featured, Media Coverage

Deviation from the orthodoxy. John R. Lott, RealClear Politics, Tuesday:

New York Times opinion editor James Bennet resigned after daring to publish a column by Republican senator Tom Cotton, who argued for using the military to help quell the riots that arose from George Floyd’s murder. The publication of a conservative opinion was too much for many staff members and political activists. It simply deviated too far from the liberal orthodoxy.

“A fuss engulfs the Grey Lady of New York over its decision to allow a conservative voice,” The Australian, June 12, 2020.

“No less than Jimmy Carter was a co-author on a bipartisan report in 2005 cited in the April 10, 2020 WSJ article by John Lott, that details the multiple potentials and evidence for fraud in mail-in voting. Might be worth a look if you haven’t already. Long admirer of your writing skills and gift for prose. Keep it up.” – Philip Berger, Scottsdale, Ariz.

Chris Stirewalt, “Senate Intel chief out after feds raid home,” Fox News, May 14, 2020.

According to economist John Lott, writing in 2014: “Based on the most recent available FBI crime numbers, black male teenagers were nine times more likely to commit murder than were their white counterparts. That’s right, nine times, and the gap in these urban areas is undoubtedly even larger.”

Larry Elder, “Cue the ‘Race’ Hysteria,” Townhall, May 21, 2020.

John R. Lott, Jr. wrote in National Review that the “Police have stopped responding to many 911 calls, and massive numbers of inmates are being released early from prison.”

Loyd Pettegrew, “A Silent Indicator of Where America Is Headed Politically,’ Townhall, June 13, 2020.

The errors and overcounting are destroying jobs and costing lives, John R. Lott Jr. and Dr. Timothy Craig Allen say in a dramatic op-ed they wrote for Townhall. 

Mr. Lott is President of the research center, and Mr. Allen is on the center’s academic advisory board and chair of the department of pathology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. 

One example they give is that hospice patients who are already dying, but are positive for SARS-CoV-2 at time of death, are being listed as coronavirus deaths, rather than the real reason they were in hospice in the 1st place.

New York is classifying cases as Coronavirus deaths even when postmortem tests have been negative. Despite negative tests, classifications are based on symptoms, even though the symptoms are often very similar to those of the seasonal flu. 

The Centers for Disease Control guidance explicitly acknowledges the uncertainty that Doctors face. When Coronavirus cases are “suspected,” they advise Doctors that “it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate.” . . .

Paul Ebeling, “C-19 Coronavirus Deaths are Over Counted by the Doom Doctors for Financial Gain,” Live Trading News, May 19, 2020.

First, we don’t actually know how many people have died from the Wuhan virus. John R. Lott, an economist and data cruncher, details how the U.S. is overstating Wuhan virus deaths. These overstatements include those who died with but not from the virus, deaths with negative post-mortem virus results, overcounting due to political pressure, and overcounting for financial reasons.

Andrea Widburg, “The New York Times disrespects both our war dead and the Wuhan virus dead,” American Thinker, May 25, 2020.

John Lott, one of the world’s better analysts and scholars and president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, was joined by Dr. Timothy Craig Allen, chair of the Department of Pathology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and a Governor of the College of American Pathologists, in writing a piece for TownHall.com examining the over-counting of COVID-19 deaths.

Lott and Allen note: “New York is classifying cases as Coronavirus deaths even when postmortem tests have been negative. Despite negative tests, classifications are based on symptoms, even though the symptoms are often very similar to those of the seasonal flu. The Centers for Disease Control guidance explicitly acknowledges the uncertainty that doctors can face. When Coronavirus cases are ‘suspected,’ they advise doctors that “it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate.”

They further point out that bad data is informing and shaping bad policy.

”Erroneous data unduly scare people about the risks of the disease,” they write. “It keeps the country locked down longer than necessary, which destroys peoples’ lives and livelihoods in many other ways. Exaggerated fears of the virus endanger lives by keeping people from obtaining treatment for other medical problems.  It also makes it impossible to accurately compare policies across countries.”

Their conclusion?

“It is hard to believe that we are basing such crucial decisions on such flawed data.” . . .

Dennis Behreandt, “100,000 COVID Deaths: Putting the Tragedy in Perspective,” New American, May 28, 2020.

The Crime Prevention Research Center paper on Concealed Carry in 2018, indicated Hispanics, women, and blacks, were underrepresented in concealed carry permits in Los Angeles County. . . .

Dean Weingarten, “Florida First District Court of Appeals: Concealed Gun not Valid Reason for Stop,” Ammoland, June 15, 2020.

“There are more recent cases, too,” John R. Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, noted in a Wall Street Journal op-ed last month.

Lott cited a 2017 investigation of a Dallas City Council election which found some 700 fraudulent mail-in ballots signed by the same witness using a fake name. “The discovery left two council races in limbo, and the fraud was much larger than the vote differential in one of those races. The case resulted in a criminal conviction,” Lott noted.

In a 2018 North Carolina congressional race, Republican Mark Harris edged out Democrat Dan McCready by 905 votes. But election officials became suspicious when they discovered that the Republican received 61 percent of mail-in votes, even though registered Republicans accounted for only 19 percent of those who had requested mail-in ballots.

Lott noted: “A Republican operative, L. McCrae Dowless Jr., had allegedly requested more than 1,200 absentee ballots on voters’ behalf and then collected the ballots from voters’ homes when they were mailed out. Mr. Dowless’s assistants testified that they were directed to forge voters’ signatures and fill in votes. A new election was required, but Mr. Harris didn’t run. Mr. Dowless faces criminal charges for absentee-ballot fraud in both the 2016 and 2018 elections and has pled not guilty.”

Lott also cited cases were “impossibly large numbers of people live at the same address.” In 2016, 83 registered voters in San Pedro, California, received absentee ballots at the same small two-bedroom apartment.

“Mail-in voting is a throwback to the dark old days of vote-buying and fraud,” Lott wrote. “Because of this, many countries don’t allow absentee ballots for citizens living in their country, including Norway and Mexico. Americans deserve a more trustworthy system.”

Staff, “Mail carrier charged with tampering with vote-by-mail ballots,” World Tribune, May 27, 2020.




On Iowa’s KXEL: To Discuss Crime Statistics

On Iowa’s KXEL: To Discuss Crime Statistics

Dr. John Lott appeared on Iowa’s giant 50,000-watt KXEL-AM radio station to discuss our research on the truth of the crime rates and law enforcement collapse over the last few years. See Dr. Lott's new op-ed piece at the New York Post titled "Democrats are hiding...