Bloomberg’s Everytown just makes up gun facts

Oct 16, 2019 | Featured

Let us help out Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown. For a group that claims to know a lot about guns, they apparently aren’t familiar with one of the best selling books ever from the University of Chicago Press: “More Guns, Less Crime.” There is also information from the National Crime Victimization Survey. Here are a couple of discussions from that book.

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1 Comment

  1. R. Corrino

    “There is no research that supports that gun control advocates have brains. There is empirical evidence however that they are irrationally emotional whose lives are directed by “feels” ”



64% of Likely Voters describe current situation with migrants at the border with Mexico as an “invasion” of the United States. Democrats, Liberals, those making over $200,000/year, and with graduate school education are the least likely to believe that.

64% of Likely Voters describe current situation with migrants at the border with Mexico as an “invasion” of the United States. Democrats, Liberals, those making over $200,000/year, and with graduate school education are the least likely to believe that.

As shown in previous surveys, the highest income people, the ones with the most education, are least likely to be very concerned about illegal immigration. The data for the Rasmussen Reports Survey is available here....