On the Mark Levin Show to discuss an Assault Weapon Ban, Universal Background Checks, and Red Flag Laws

Aug 8, 2019 | Featured

John Lott talked to Mark Levin on his national radio show about an Assault Weapon Ban, Universal Background Checks, and Red Flag Laws.

Mark Levin: “John Lott, who is indispensable in times like these.” “This man is an encyclopedia, he is brilliant and he is wonderful.”

(Wednesday, August 7, 2019, 6:38 to 6:50 PM)

Mark Levin’s radio show is heard weekly by 10 million people.



  1. David N Jones

    Hi John… just sent another $50 your way. More when I can. Quick question. Judge Napolitano says all forms of Red Flag laws are, on their face, unconstitutional. The reason being that, while some versions appear to have some level of “due process”, in the end a person is deprived of a basic right (one found in the Bill of Rights … the 2nd Amendment, no less), based on the premise that at some time in the future he “might” commit a crime. He goes on to say that never in the history of jurisprudence has this ever been upheld.

    When you discuss the shortcoming of Red Flag Laws, I have not heard you make note of this. Do you have comments.

    Thanks John. Keep up the good work!!

    • johnrlott

      Dear David: Thanks very much. I have only 5 minutes or so total time to talk in these interviews. I go over what I have to say that is different from the points that others will raise.

  2. Bill

    This will be President Trumps “read my lips no new taxes” moment. He will lose a lot of the conservative base over his support of gun control.



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A Deep Dive into Cases Where Civilians Stopped Active Shooters. Did they accidentally shoot bystanders, get in the way of police, get their gun taken away, or create other problems?

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