CBS’s Bull continues its consistent bias against gun ownership (previous shows during Season 3 are here and here). In Season 3, episode 18, the episode fits gun control advocates claims about the dangers of guns in the home, particularly their assertions about domestic violence. The show starts with a man shooting his wife in the back and then successfully persuades a jury that he thought she was an intruder and he only shot her by accident. Supposedly, he has to use his gun because he was inebriated, and his much smaller wife can beat him up. The murderer says that he thought there was an intruder in his home who was going up the stairs to harm his children. The jury fell for his story. The gun-owning husband comes across as a very despicable person.
CBS seems unable to have an episode where someone uses a gun defensively. It never crosses their minds that precisely because women a relatively weaker physically, they greatly benefit from having guns to protect themselves and that men are much more able to easily kill a woman without a gun. Never mind that 90 percent of adult murderers have an adult violent criminal record. That was not this case.
For other examples of television show bias on guns see here.
(CBS Bull, Season 3, episode 18, April 1, 2019)