Debate on The Red Elephants between Steven “Destiny” Bonnell and John Lott on Gun Control

Apr 10, 2019 | Featured

Steven “Destiny” Bonnell and Dr. John Lott debated gun control on the Red Elephants and Destiny youtube channels. Mr. Bonnell has a large following by young people on social media. While this was billed as a debate, it turned into more of a discussion than a debate.

Among the links discussed during the debate were:

The literature on Right-to-Carry Laws

— Paper cited by Bonnell claiming that Right-to-Carry Laws increase crime (here and here)

New York Times piece on background checks

The last annual report on the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) system background checks

Homicide rates before and after gun bans

Regarding international homicide and firearm homicide data

The original posting of the debate is back up on YouTube and can be seen here. The new posting has been seen over thirteen thousand times by Friday, April 12th (and over five thousand times before it was taken down). If you are interested, you can read people’s comments there. Steven Bonnell also put this up on his YouTube channel on May 17th. As of May 21st, Red Elephant’s post had been seen by 49,000 and Bonnell’s had been seen by 86,000.





  1. Tom Campbell

    Apparently the video cannot run on my WIndows computer.

    I hope Mr Bonnell went away having learned something real about violence and statistics.

  2. Tom Campbell

    It works now. Pls remove both my comments, if feasible.

