At Fox News: Media portrayal of gun ownership is inaccurate and biased

May 10, 2018 | Featured

Dr. John Lott has a new piece at Fox News on how television entertainment programs keep pushing for gun control. The piece starts this way:

The media’s pro-gun control bias doesn’t just distort news coverage. TV networks have used their primetime entertainment shows to portray gun rights advocates as dishonest, extremist and unconcerned about the loss of innocent lives. At the same time, advocates of gun control are portrayed as caring, upstanding and responsible citizens.

The gun control debate isn’t portrayed as having two sides. It’s a morality play of good versus evil.

NBC might be the worst network, but it’s a tight race. It seems to have given marching orders to its TV writers to churn out scripts demonizing law-abiding gun owners and lionizing those who want to slap strict new controls on gun ownership, even if that means disregarding the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

Recently the NBC show “Taken” (Season 2, Episode 11) tried to convey to viewers that gun-free zones work because the criminals won’t disobey the bans.

Santana (Jessica Camacho) asks Bryan Mills (Clive Standen), if he is “OK with this whole no-guns thing.” Mills replies that it is OK because the gun-free zone means that “bad guys won’t have them either.”

Do people really think that a group of paid, professional killers couldn’t find some way to get guns into a hospital, a school or some other place just because a sign is posted saying guns are not allowed? There’s no mention that over 98 percent of mass public shootings since 1950 have occurred in places where guns are banned. This is precisely because criminals prefer unarmed victims.

About a month ago the NBC show “Chicago Fire” (Season 6, Episode 15) had a scene where stored ammunition catches fire. Bullets fly everywhere, seriously wounding one of the firefighters. The firefighters think that a sniper is targeting them. It is hard to believe that anyone would want to have a gun in their home after watching this scene.

But the scene is complete fiction. A gun barrel is needed to harness a gunpowder explosion so a bullet can be propelled forward. Outside of a gun, the gunpowder in a bullet would simply explode in all directions, producing very little energy to actually push the bullet forward.

A February episode of NBC’s “The Black List” (Season 5, Episode 13) begins with a group of people accusing a gun maker of providing inexpensive guns that “have no value to anyone but criminals.” The gun maker is profiting “off blood money,” because gun “sales drive up homicide rates.”

There is even a dig about how the law protects the gun maker from being sued for purposefully killing people. The gun seller’s only response is that everything he doing is perfectly legal. No one mentions that poor people, particularly poor minorities, are the most likely victims of violent crime and that they use inexpensive guns for self-defense.

NBC’s “Chicago P.D.” shows no less egregious bias in an episode from February (Season 5, Episode 13). Gang members threaten a small business owner, who a police officer advises to leave his permitted concealed handgun at home.

The owner doesn’t follow the instructions and ends up killed by the gang members, his gun lying next to his dead body. To leave nothing to viewers’ imagination, a later scene shows surveillance camera footage of the businessman being beaten to death because he drew his gun on the gang members.

You wouldn’t know it from watching the show, but having a gun is the safest course of action when confronted by a criminal. The police can’t be everywhere all the time to protect everyone. The only message is that the man would still be alive if he’d left his gun at home.

Of course, NBC is hardly alone. In January, CBS’ “Hawaii 5-0” showed an unhinged concealed handgun permit holder unsuccessfully trying to kill someone. Later, the permit holder proudly proclaims to the police that it is alright for him to have his gun because of his permit. . . .

The rest of the piece is available here.


1 Comment

  1. Michael Fallon

    Unfortunately, television shows have been vilifying “guns” for a long time. In several shows, over the years, usually in a crime drama, one gun is passed from stranger to stranger, and every person who comes in contact with it, has been cursed by it. They even had a Western syndicated tv series featuring a cursed gun, called “The Dead Man’s Gun, ” passing from person to person, resulting in death. Making the gun to be “bad” and not necessarily the person who used it.



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