On Voice of America to discuss whether teachers should be armed

Mar 7, 2018 | Featured

Dr. John Lott along with Clarissa Rile Hayward a political scientist at Washington University in St. Louis, Christopher Huff at Beacon College, and Ernest McGowen, a Political Scientist at the University of Richmond was interviewed by Voice of America.  The interview was very biased.  Voice of America had three people interviewed before Lott was interviewed and then two of them interviewed again to say why Lott was wrong and dangerous to let teachers carry.  Even worse, they didn’t use the part of the interview with Lott where he talked about the experience in the 25 states that allow teachers to carry guns.  The audio that they also had of Dr. Lott appears purposely altered to make it hard to hear him.  Your tax dollars at work to push a particular point of view.

(Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Lott is interviewed at 6:13 into the audio)





On The Larry Elder Show: Discussing Migrant Crime

On The Larry Elder Show: Discussing Migrant Crime

Dr. John Lott appeared on The Larry Elder Show to discuss the price of migrant crime. See also Dr. Lott's two pieces at The Daily Signal ("Crime Rate for Illegal Aliens Vastly Understated, Data Shows") and ("New Data on Migrant Crime Rates Raises Eyebrows, Alarms")....