CPRC on KTSA in San Antonio to talk about the Shooting of the Reporter and Cameraman in Virginia

Aug 26, 2015 | Featured

Jack Riccardi
John Lott talked to KTSA’s Jack Riccardi about the horrible shooting in Virginia on Wednesday morning and what it means for the calls today for more gun control  (Wednesday, August 26th, 2015, 7:07 to 7:15 PM).




  1. Why Did The Virginia Shooting Happen? It’s The Gun, Stupid. It’s the Gun. | mikethegunguy - […] walking around with guns.  I was wrong.  By 7 P.M. last night, Mad Dog John Lott was already on…
  2. It’s Time We Stopped Letting The NRA Set The Rules For The Debate About Guns. | mikethegunguy - […] guys with guns to set matters straight.  Mad Dog Lott, one of the chief propagandists for the NRA, said…
  3. Since Flanagan Bought His Glock Legally, Why Have Background Checks At All? | mikethegunguy - […] gun laws is that they don’t work.  Lott got out there the same day as the Virginia shooting and…


Rasmussen Reports: 68% Back Proof of Citizenship for Voting, 73% Say It is Important to Prevent Illegal Immigrants from Voting, and 63% are Even Willing to Shutdown the Government to Get a Proof of Citizenship Law Passed.

Rasmussen Reports: 68% Back Proof of Citizenship for Voting, 73% Say It is Important to Prevent Illegal Immigrants from Voting, and 63% are Even Willing to Shutdown the Government to Get a Proof of Citizenship Law Passed.

A new Rasmussen Reports survey in September shows overwhelming support for requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote in national elections. Indeed, only liberals oppose proof of citizenship. Even Democrats as a whole support it by a clear 56%-to-33%....